if it's your first time travelling, suggest you to find a partner/friend to go with you. It will be more interesting with partner on the way and share the budget (like food, etc)
>我想問去奧地利1-2星期算唔算太長? 如太長,建議去幾耐到? (因為聽人講好快睇晒d野)
You can visit maximum 5 cities in Austria or around, such as Vienna, Salzberg, Munich, etc). Spend around 2 nights in each cities to enjoy the sightseeing.
with your age, you can buy student ticket (cheaper). In gerneral, transporation is relatively expensive, esp trains
suggest you to stay at hostel. it's cheaper and can meet peoples from other countries and share the travel experience. so, if you stay over 5 nights in hostels, better to get the Youth Hostel pass/membership.
also, during summer vacation, it's quite crowded in Europe. so, better to book the hostet/hotel in advance to save time.
>奧地利係用咩語言ga? 唔識講咁點算-.-"
simple English is fine, together with body language and smile.
>仲有冇d咩係我呢個咩都唔知ge細路女要注意ga? -.-"
Austria is quite safe. use your common sense. beware of your pocket. otherwise, smile and enjoy. Check:
Some website suggested. you can get tons of information or raise your questions in the forum. Many peoples can help.