Which kind of food causes positive effects to eyes?

2007-01-18 8:47 pm
I got almost 1000 in short sight . without my glasses I'm blind.I could only see objects not more than 8 ".Ha...thought was funny.But when you want to get you have to give.
I was hard working in my chinese language when I was 11 years old , I fist came in H.K when I was 9 .I can't read any words in chinese , but sure Now I do .

回答 (2)

2007-01-19 4:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
try fresh blue berry.....good vit and antioxidant.........to prevent from cancer....also good for eye..........

advice don't take supplement....because supplement causing kidney stone........
Dietitian always recommend that.......
參考: learn from nutrition studies
2007-01-20 1:55 am

My eye also has some degeneration recently. My Chinese doctor asked me to drink a tea which is made of (杭菊+杞子). She also gives me acupuncture treatments(around 2~3 times a week)! I accepted the treatment for a month and the situation gets a bit better now. However, I don't know if your body situation is fit for 杭菊+杞子 or not, so may be you can see a chinese doctor and seek some advices from them.

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