Dog problem

2007-01-18 7:53 pm
I got a baby dog,he's around 2years... and he love to eat and play the poo poo,anyone know how to stop this behave? Thx

回答 (2)

2007-01-19 7:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
狗貓食番回糞便的病症叫Coprophagy,可試試在食糧內加上Forbid ,以更正問題,狗吃回糞的原因如下。

1. 切勿餵飼過量食物,因為未完全消化的食物會留在糞便中,吸引動物吃。特別是貪吃的小狗為甚!
2. 嘗試改用其他飼料,最好含維他命B及礦物。
3. Forbid的作用是讓動物吃下後,Forbid被分解及會在糞便中留下動物厭惡及難吃的氣味。從而讓動物消除吃糞的習慣。
4. Forbid不影響消化系統,對小狗安全。

使用Forbid 的有效程度﹕

1. 對幼犬(1-6個月大),同時吃糞習慣只開始了1至3個星期。Forbid通常100%有效。
2. 對3-5年的成年犬,若吃糞習慣只開始了3至5個月,Forbid 95%有效。
3. 對5-6年或以上之成年犬,同時吃糞習慣已有1至3年或以上,這不是Coprophagy 病,只是狗的壞習慣,Forbid不會有效,應施以行為訓練以改正問題。

2007-01-21 16:37:53 補充:
2007-01-18 8:04 pm
This problem could be a deficiency in certain vitamins. There have been suggestions that you can try feeding your dog fresh pineapple. The problem could also be a digestive system problem. Then you can trying giving your dog garlic pills which are available from pet shops. Hope either one way could help you.

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