
2007-01-18 5:46 pm
以上現在是入事價位嗎 ? 可否作短線投資呢 ? 請比意見 !

回答 (2)

2007-01-18 6:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
金威啤酒is the best choice among those four.

as the profitability is quite good... and if .....the news of 收購 exist, the price will rise too.

越秀 the good prospective from REITS have already reflected in the share price, so in short term it is not very likely to rise a lot

瑞安 no good, especially the recent news is qutie negative

中芯 no comment
參考: me
2007-01-18 6:53 pm

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