關於jaw 既問題* 請幫幫忙___ thxx

2007-01-18 3:50 pm
我之前刷牙既時候,有一次個牙gao 無啦啦啪左一聲...
由個日開始, 我個牙gao就再唔可以開大d...
連想就咁咬蘋果都唔夠大...食burger 都唔得...
thx loads* =]

回答 (2)

2007-01-18 5:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I had same experience like you with several years ago..........
I think you are not need to see the dentist.....because they only give you some instruction and paradol to you.....then that is...........and also my jaw are better in these year..........

Why you jaw like that? It is because overuse the jaw causing the problem...........
Firstly, you should avoid to bite the high things........eat soft.........I remember last time I had ate soft for several month..........then the sydrome reduced........
Secondly, you can use warm towel to relax the muscles around the jaw at least once a day...........
Third, dont try to open your mouth frequently or dont try to make that "click" sound of the jaw........let them rest more....and the problem will be reduce..............

If you want to.....you can seek for doctors help........they will refer you to dental dept in hosptial...need to queue for several month....... >_<

Hope you will get well soon...
參考: my experience and I am a dental assistant
2007-01-18 10:39 pm
咦, 呢d問題係關節問題, 可以找物理治療解決,上次我細佬個女友都係咁,西醫同醫都係俾止痛藥,但係物理治療師就會幫你放鬆個關節同周圍d組織,咁就無事, 不妨試試
物理治療好科學, 好專業, 我有事都係搵佢搞掂

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