
2007-01-18 12:29 pm
想問下如果行理寄艙可否鎖上呢 (either 密碼鎖或用鎖匙)
以我所知, 上機前會過 x 光, 如果機場保安人員有懷疑, 又是否會爆鎖檢查呢?

回答 (5)

2007-01-18 12:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案


至於其他地方, 好似東南亞就最好上鎖~~

2007-01-18 05:01:27 補充:
跟據新的條例, 如果你係買TSA 認可的鎖, 你係可以鎖你的行李~~而海關就會有特別的工具去開你的鎖~~ 有保障D~~網址for TSA locks information~~http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/assistant/locks.shtm
參考: myself
2007-01-18 11:22 pm
2007-01-18 6:43 pm
strongly suggest not to lock your baggage. The security has the right to break your lock without compensation.
2007-01-18 1:31 pm
True, the above 2 answers are right. When you travel to US, no matter if there are any connecting flights in between you cannot lock your luggages. If you locked it with a lock, or even the worse part you locked it with a built in lock, they will cut away the zippers to inspect your luggage and they will not pay for the damages (yes that happened to me before and I was so mad as they wont compensate your lost)

And you can definitely get TSA lock if you are travelling to the US frequently because those locks are registered combination locks so when they pull out the record, they can open it without breaking it.

However I still have expereince that some of my items in my luggage were missing (not major loss, so I didnt make a fuss) but travelling to the rest of the world I recommend you lock up your luggages and particularly in those countries that are known for theives. maybe use a cheaper lock so if it's damaged, you wont be that 肉痛.... (but good enough to prevent people from taking it off easily la~)
參考: my experience
2007-01-18 12:39 pm
如果他們有所懷疑, 一定會爆鎖, 是沒有得賠的。
上次去美國, 行李上左鎖, 點知去到美國見到佢地將我果把爛鎖, 用個信封入住, 並貼上紙條"為保安理由, 已拆下把鎖", 佢地就咁拆左我把鎖啦, 又無入返把新鎖比我喎!!激氣!!
參考: 自己經驗

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