Abortion pro or con?

2007-01-18 1:09 am
So I want opinions on abortion. I am very opinionated to one side, but I'm not going to say which. Why should or shouldn't people be allowed to have abortions?

回答 (33)

2007-01-18 1:31 am
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Being a man I truly have no say in a debate like this - I will say if the woman can live with having an innocent child ripped out of her body like one would throw away a paper bag - then she will have to live with the consequences that pray upon her mind.
2007-01-18 1:16 am
Until that fetus can live outside the womb, it is not a human being.


But, I am also for birth control and education about how to use it including Plan B as an over the counter solution.
2007-01-18 1:15 am

We should not use legislative acts to impose religeous standards in a country that was founded as a relief to religeous persacution. The US was founded on the basic seperation of church and state. Law makers should keep that in mind.
2007-01-18 1:14 am
Legally I do not think the government should not interfere with anything that is a choice for you and your body. However saying abortion should be legal does not mean that you want abortions to be used. That’s how I feel at least.
2007-01-18 1:14 am
I think it is a pro. People should have the option to get out of having a baby.

And the world is overpopulated as it is...
2007-01-18 1:13 am
It's her body, she should be able to make choice. I'm Pro-Choice, it's the woman's choice, nobody else's.
2007-01-18 1:14 am
I am against abortion!

However, I am Pro-CHOICE! I would never, ever impede upon another woman's rights.
2007-01-18 1:11 am
2007-01-18 2:38 am
I have to ask the question of how can you stop abortions? No country in the world has managed it, including this one when it was illegal.

And if a country does manage to stop all people with enough medical knowledge to perform one, how then will you stop a pregnant woman from injecting a fetus with an overdose of common household medications to cause a miscarriage?

What anti-abortion people don't understand is that it is the women that want the abortions. Yes, there are cases of it being forced, but only rarely. The women who want it will find a way to have them regardless of what your opinions are.

Life is harsh. I've pointed out that thousands of Iraqi civilians have been killed in this war by the guns of our soldiers, and most conservative responses I've recieved range from "It is war, thus permissible" to absolute GLEE at the concept. The hypocritical values of such people that also believe that abortion should not be allowed while accepting what amounts to genocide of other people, MAKES ME SICK.

I could also draw parallels from who does and does not support social services money and legislation vs who is against abortion too. Why conservatives have this strange mix of war and starvation as acceptable (because those people are viewed as lazy or stupid), but are against abortion, I don't understand.

Abortion is here because our society places money above children, and our various leaders put social standing above family. It is a virtual pressure valve of our society, and it should be kept in the open so it can be studied and reduced over time. The only option anti-abortion advocates have given is to force it into hiding where the problem can't be solved ever.
2007-01-18 1:28 am
I am PRO choice....and I VOTE!
2007-01-18 1:21 am
I'm two way on this issue.

Morally, I think abortion is wrong. You are killing a living being and I think it is a horrible procedure all around. I think people should be more responsible and look at the alternatives before having an abortion. Such as adoption. But, the individual rights side, I see that women should have the choice on what they want to do. If the child was born out of incest, rape, or it is going to endanger the life of the woman, then yes...they should have the choice. If they are 16 years old and got pregnant out of being irresponsible because they had unprotected sex, I think it is unwise to get an abortion. I can understand that you can't take CARE of a child, so then give it up for adoption to those who can. I see that the procedure is an easy way out. Yes, you'd have to carry the child for 9 months but at least you have the option to give up the child. I think a woman has a right to choose but morally I think abortion is wrong. But it is up to the person, not other people.
2007-01-18 1:17 am
I'm Pro, its a women decision.
2007-01-25 5:43 pm
No one can allow or disallow abortion. Even if it is made illegal, it will still go on. And it will be done by guys who just want to make a quick buck, without sterile equipment, putting the mothers life at risk, as well.

I am sick of people equating pro-choice with pro-abortion. Most pro-choice activists are also out there advocating for better access to birth control, which lessens the need for abortion. On the flip side, most "pro-life" organizations are also rallying against birth control in any form. What sense does that make?

I would like to mention that I know some women who have had abortions and do not feel terrible about their decision for the rest of their lives, because it was the right decision for their families and their community.

One last note. Abstinence does not work every time. Rapists do not care about your morals or family values.
2007-01-25 6:40 am
Because you are a self-proclaimed "opinionated" female, I'm taking a wild guess that you are against it.
However, I think there is a distinct benefit and regardless of how profound is your idea of human life, the blatant truth is that in a lot of circumstances, stopping an abortion can directly destroy 2 lives, and who knows how that number shall be enumerated in years to come.
The only problem is regulation that would account for the disgustingly irresponsible who would take advantage of this measure as a fool-proof means of birth control.

Sad sad world.
2007-01-18 1:53 am
somewhat neutral, bordering on con. i don't approve of abortion or irresponsible behavior,but who am i to tell a woman what she can or can't do w/ her body..
2007-01-18 1:29 am
The pros of having abortion:

No woman should be FORCED to carry a pregnancy to term.

If there were no abortion women would have no choice but to resort to back-alley coat hanger abortions.

There have been 40,000,000 + abortions since 1973, but only a little over 1,000,000 adoptions since 1973. What will we do with all the unwanted babies?

Pro-choice is just what it says: You have the CHOICE to keep the baby, put it up for adoption, or have an abortion.
2007-01-18 1:20 am
I am pro-child, not to be confused with pro-life. I believe there are a number of valid reasons for abortion. Mother's life at stake, massive deformity of the fetus being among them. The child is also in for a really rough life in the case of Incest or Rape.

If you are going to dictate a child should be born though, it seems to me you should help take over the responsibilty for the care and rasing of it.

The idea of forcing a woman to have a child she does not want, or is not ready for, may sound like a morally wonderful stand, but not if you turn away after the birth and tell her it is her problem. The prisons are crowded enough as it stands, thank you very much.

It seems to me the debate is on the wrong topic if you are talking about forcing a child to be born vs debating how it is going to have a decent life afterwards.
2007-01-18 1:19 am
I personally think it shouldn't be used as birth control. I agree that its a woman's body and she should be allowed control over it...but what about the father? Shouldn't he have at least some say in the matter?
At the same time I think that if a woman is raped, a victim of incest, or if her life is in danger ALL options should be made available...within a time frame...not at the last minute. Say within hours or at least days when something bad has happened.
So I guess my opinion is...no to it being another option to birth control, but yes to extreme situations.
2007-01-18 1:20 am
i think its pro... its not your body its not your choice....
2007-01-18 1:18 am
i think abortion is the worst thing you could ever get done, i mean killing a kid before he actually sees the world is way to cruel, is a con definantly, but thats my opinion.
2007-01-18 1:17 am
2007-01-25 10:18 pm
I'm pro.
its the women's choice.
2007-01-24 9:40 pm
im pro abortion for a man as no right to choose for a woman besides that they enough kids now alive that need adopting n all them stupid activist should adopt a few for they can have better things to do than protest this dam issue.... if i was a female rape i would abort the child as well so im pro abortion for4 many reasons
2007-01-24 8:15 pm
I am for it under certain circumstances like if a woman is raped and gets pregnant.Otherwise I think there is other options.There is lots of people that want a baby but can't and would love to adopt a baby.It's a pretty touchy subject.
2007-01-24 5:12 pm
PEOPLE PLEASE STOP trying to do GOD's job and not try to to judge people for what they do. What ever they decide to do with their bodies will be judged by a higher authority no us.
2007-01-24 2:51 am
Anyone considering an abortion should seek counselling first, to find out the physical repercussions (i.e. sterility in future), as well the emotional preparation for such a loss. Sometimes there is a health reason or other times there may be other reasons of a "personal" nature (i.e. pregnant due to a rape).Each woman is an individual and has her own reasons for such decisions, as long as her decision is an intelligent and informed one.
I'm pro-choice myself, and would never quickly judge a woman if I found out that she had an abortion.
2007-01-25 7:40 pm
Those of you who think it's your body, your choice are incredibly selfish. Who helped you conceive the baby? He's good enough to have sex with but not good enough for you to have his baby. What about the baby? Does it not have a choice to be born? Here's any easy solution to abortion...don't have sex with someone you don't want to share your gene pool with!
2007-01-25 7:11 am
2007-01-22 10:52 pm
Abortions should be banned. It is murder is it not? Some may argue that a woman has the right to do what she wants to with her own body but she does not in many ways such as the use of illegal drugs or in most states prostitution.

Some will argue that it is not a human being when in the womb yet I ask why not? So lets exam that.

Size? Shaquel O'Neal is a lot bigger than Hillary Clinton, so should we be able to get rid of Hillary just because of this? I suspect that the answer is no. Most of us know and like someone who is a different size than us but that doesn't justify killing them.

Location? The child is in the womb and the rest of us are not. So if you are at an airport terminal and then you change locations by getting on the plane, does the suddenly deny you the right to live?

Level of development? A four year old girl does not have fully developed sex organs. Does that give us the right to slay her if she is inconvenient. Most of us don't reach our full physical development of strength until we are in the mid to late 20s and we don't reach our full mental development until the mid 40s. If a child in the womb is not developed dose that give you the right to kill it?

Level of dependency? If it’s okay to abort a child for this reason then it must be okay to kill off someone who need kidney dialysis or is dependent on insulin to live. There are other forms or dependency as well such as the elderly but some people ARE saying its okay to kill them off if they are too old.

What else is there?

The simple solution is abstinence. It works EVERY time it’s tried.
2007-01-18 2:43 am
i'm against it unless the baby was conceived thru incest/the mother has HIV/AIDS-the child won't live long anyways (and even if they do, they will have to take a lot of medications the rest of their life)
2007-01-18 1:26 am
I am pro abortion. I think that it is necessary in certain cases, like genetic diseases in the fetus, risky pregnancies, rape, etc. I think that you should have to plead your case for abortion to a judge. I think that abortion should be an option in some cases but not downright illegal or openly legal.
2007-01-18 1:19 am
I am not for abortions except for certain reasons such as rape incest or the pregnancy threatens the mothers life but yet I also feel it is the woman's choice to make as to whether to have one or not. She is the one who has to live with her decision.
2007-01-18 1:14 am
Well, first off, your murdering a human being! It may just be some tissue, but its still a growing human. Then, the baby doesnt even get a burial, its parts get sold and the rest is thrown away with needles! When its all finished, you just walk away and are on with your life. Isnt that just a little wrong? Its also a one way ticket to hell. Its just plain and simply wrong.

For those of you who thinks its the womans choice, well, she shouldnt of gone and had sex if she didnt want a baby! She knew it was a possibility, but she can just take the easy way out and have no emotions at all and kill an innocent baby. Please, get your freaking tubes tied if your going to be that irresponsible.

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