Do YOU think its more acceptable for a GIRL or a GUY to go out in public barefoot (walmart, grocery store etc)

2007-01-17 10:14 pm

回答 (24)

2007-01-17 10:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Neither - it's low class & unsanitary
2007-01-18 2:33 am
I don't think it makes a difference if it's a guy or a girl, I'm female and I've been going barefoot for ten years but I know quite a few guys who go barefoot in public too.

It is NOT against the law to go barefoot in stores; that's a persistant myth but it's untrue, please see source. It's not unhealthy, our skin is made to keep germs out, nor do germs jump onto the food from bare soles any more than they would from the soles of shoes or from the bare skin that's showing in sandals or flipflops. We're at far greater risk of picking something up with our hands when touching all those things hundreds of people touch; the handlebar of the shopping cart, the doors, the money... with our hands we touch our food, we touch our faces, that's how we may catch something, not from walking around and keeping our feet on the floor. Nor is it dangerous; feet are stronger than you think, I get a tiny splinter maybe once a year and have never cut myself, while I also never divert my path when I see glass on the ground. Insurance companies don't require or even recommend footwear for customers either.

It's unfortunate this FALSE myth has spread so much in the US, with all these signs on store windows. In other countries where the Health Department myth doesn't exist it's very rare to find anyone who believes bare feet are unsanitary. Since barefooters are rare here in Europe too, I get lots of looks and comments but it's all 'Aren't your feet cold' and 'Isn't that uncomfortable'. Lots of people even say 'oh yeah, that's very healthy'. Hearing 'gross' or 'unhealthy' or 'dangerous' is extremely rare here.
參考: and my own experiences barefooting for ten years
2007-01-17 10:19 pm
Out here in Redneckville, it's a common, everyday scene.
2007-01-21 2:22 pm
As far as acceptable goes - I think either can go barefoot anywhere. Personally though, since I am a heterosexual male I prefer seeing girls because thier - well - girls.
Added note to all respondants who think being barefoot is gross and ask if its known how many germs are on the floor, I just so happened to see an experiment where cultures were taken from various locations and the results shown that the last door handle you touched had a larger quantity, and a more vast array of bacteria than most floors. INCLUDING A PUBLIC BATHROOM - AMAZING!!!
2007-01-17 11:50 pm
I think it's disgusting for anyone to do it. Just plain trashy.
2007-01-17 10:18 pm
2007-01-18 7:39 pm
Yes of course, no problem. Bf'n is a choice, and there are no laws or safety codes or health codes agianst it, only society prejudice is agianst it. Going BF is the gr8est thing! I know some people think it's "low class" or unsafe or unsanitary or something, go figure. That's just prejudice I think.
2007-01-18 4:16 pm
Personally, I accept barefooting from both sexes, as I am one myself.
I believe that society tends to tolerate it more when done by females. I do not believe the difference, overall, to be that big. If a place is going to throw someone out for being barefoot, it usulally will despite the sex. The female sex, as I said, I believe, has a slighter advantage.

You must carry yourself with confidence at all times though!

EDITE: On the off chance that anyone will actually read this far down, I echo Sheriam's statement of fact that the health code "law" is a myth we at the Society for Barefoot Living have written all the health departments about this, and it IS a myth. Also, if you REALLY took a survey of ALL the places you visited, MOST DO NOT have a shoes reuquired sign OR policy....!!!!! You are free to be ignorant I suppose, but isn't knwldge of the truth better?
2007-01-17 10:19 pm
I think is totally up to you. I wouldn't walk barefoot in floor where people and animals disposed their bodily fluids.
2007-01-17 11:55 pm
If you're trailer trailer trash, its acceptable. No for real, that is pretty gross and not appropriate.
2007-01-17 10:43 pm
I don't find it appealing when anybody goes into a Walmart or grocery store barefoot.
2007-01-17 10:55 pm
Neither...unless your walking from your trailer park to the corner market to meet your social worker.....

Botom line...both are nothing but trash.
2007-01-17 10:27 pm
Ever read the signs on the doors??

No shirt, No shoes, NO SERVICE!!!

That's because it is a law, so, it is unexceptible for both "guys and girls" to go around barefoot in public places.

Wear flip flops if you really feel the need to have your feet exposed, and watch out for the guys and girls that have a foot fetish!!
參考: self
2007-01-17 10:18 pm
It is not acceptable to go into a place of business barefoot.
2016-05-24 1:11 pm
I think that since we're so used to seeing most of a woman's foot anyway with all the open style footwear that has been designed for them as well as the fact that woman tend to have prettier feet with all the available jewelry like toe rings and ankle bracelets and also colorful nail polish, It has become more acceptable to see them barefoot. It shouldn't be that way however. I firmly believe that our feet would be far more healthier and attractive if we ALL went barefoot a little more. Most problems that occur with our feet are caused by or at least worsened by the wearing of shoes. I personally had a few very thick and spotty callouses on my feet that were in places that my shoes told them to go. Since I started wearing shoes less these callouses have been going away and being replaced by nice evenly toughened soles. No more foot odor, blisters, or general discomfort and soreness at the end of the day.
2007-01-19 1:02 am
2007-01-21 3:08 pm
It is never appropriate to go in public barefoot for either a guy or a girl barefoot beach only
2007-01-19 3:33 pm
Um... that's pretty dirty. Stick to going barefoot at home or other people's houses. Put on flip-flops or sandals when you're in public.

Okay, that said... GIRLS. We have nice feet =)
Guys should hide their feet. They have icky feet. Period.
2007-01-18 12:45 am
girls have cuter feet
2007-01-17 10:22 pm
NONE but i would say more girl, cause im a girl:)
2007-01-17 10:32 pm
2007-01-17 10:29 pm
Everyone knows that it's nasty to walk outside barefoot, but I guess Britney Spears didn' get that memo. And if you were supposed to walk around barefoot , than why were shoes invented? Just think about it, someone with athlete's foot that acidentally stepped in dog poop was standing in that same spot in WAL-MART that you just happen to be standing in right now without your shoes on. I don't care you you are, but that nasty to think about even if you were wearing shoes!!!!!!!!
2007-01-17 10:23 pm
I dont think its acceptable to go to the grocery store bare foot for either! I almost never wear shoes. Thats one place i at least wear slippers to. lol
2007-01-17 10:17 pm
No! Why whould you? Yuck!

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