Athletes foot?

2007-01-17 9:46 am
My daughter has athletes feet we have cream from the doctors, but the problem is her P E teachers demands she does gym bare footed, she is embaressed and upset by this so as a result is locking herself in the school toilets during the lesson, Athletes foot is contageous so i this right to do it bare footed, does anyone know of any shoe or sock that she could wear in gym without marling the floor, please hel from a desperate mum.

回答 (6)

2007-01-19 4:02 pm
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I agree with the two answers above on the bare feet.

I remember I always used to wear trainers when I was little. There were exceptions, of course. As in your daughter's school, we were barefoot for gym and a lot of other things like drama productions, dance lessons, etc.

Anyway, I got some sort of foot fungus when I was 13. I'm not sure if it was athlete's foot because I didn't go to a doctor. I just showed it to my mum and she said that I was wearing trainers too often. She told me to go barefoot at home and wear sandals outside.

Mum took all my socks and shoes away and bought some sandals for me. I remember I hated it at the time; I felt really insecure and embarrassed without my usual trainers and socks. But miraculously, it worked! My feet got better after only two weeks.

Now, I go barefoot or wear open-toed sandals as much as possible. I love the feeling! Well, I live in Edinburgh now and it's freezing, so it's back to the old trainers and socks. Before I came here for uni though, I went without socks and only wore sandals for 4 whole years! Needless to say, my feet are perfect, though sometimes a little dry but lotion solves that one problem.
2007-01-17 9:55 am
Get a letter from her doctor saying she must wear a shoe of some kind in PE. Maybe the hospital gripper socks would work.
I have never heard of not wearing shoes in PE.
2007-01-17 2:24 pm
In my country kids normally don't wear shoes during PE, our teachers never made an exception. Is it really obvious she has athlete's foot, or is she mostly afraid other people will notice? Most people don't look at someone else's toes that closely you know! I've never had athlete's foot but I once had skinned my nose & forehead taking a fall off a horse (lucky it was just a scrape!) and I was SO embarrased to go to school, I thought everyone was going to be all over me asking what happened and making fun of me... I would've stayed home if my parents had let me and seriously considered skipping class & hiding out when they said I had to go... however only a few close friends asked, got a few brief glances but no major stares or anything. And that was my face, not my feet!

Btw, going barefoot is much better for it. Fungus loves dark, damp places so it'll grow quite well inside a closed shoe, especially when playing sports. So the more she's hiding it, the harder it'll be to get rid of... not fun but that's how it works, bare feet or sandals will help dry it out and get rid of it.
2007-01-17 9:49 am
I am sure if you wrote her teacher a letter explaining this that they would understand, after all this is a common problem that I am sure they have come across before.
2007-01-19 3:26 pm
Okay... if she went barefoot more often... like barefoot not only at the gym but everywhere... then she probably won't get athlete's foot at all because the fungus needs the damp to develop and wearing trainers/closed-toe shoes all day is just perfect for the fungus.

Strange how you look at things that way. While I was growing up, my parents were always telling me to go barefoot IN ORDER to prevent athlete's foot! Lots of children are told this in Taiwan. Maybe it's a cultural difference.

So yeah... solution is for her to go barefoot more often. Keeps her feet dry. *nodnod*
參考: Myself! I go barefoot quite a lot... well, indoors. Outdoors, I usually wear flip-flops. I've done this for many years already. I'm 18 now... my feet are fine, no problems, never had any athlete's foot or fungus.
2007-01-17 9:49 am
I like how you call it a lesson, lol... it's PE

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