Relation 同 Relationship 有咩分別?

2007-01-18 7:37 am
Relation 同 Relationship 有咩分別? 兩個都係 noun, 佢地既用法有咩唔同?

回答 (2)

2007-01-18 4:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
雖然 Relation 及 Relationship 意思及用法都很相似,但兩者並不完全通用,而且英式或美式英文用法也沒有差異。


首先, Relation 可以指「親人或親戚」,如

John is a distant relation of my wife.

這句中的 Relation 不可用 Relationship 代替。

第二,指親人或愛侶之間的「關係」要用 Relationship 而非 Relation,如:

Peter has a bad relationship with his father.

第三, 說無關婚姻的性行為要用 Relationship 而非 Relation ,如

We’ve had a relationship for three years now, but we’ve never really discussed getting married.

第四, 有些詞語是一定要用 Relation 而非 Relationship ,如成語 In relation to 不可以改成 In relationship to ;Diplomatic relations 及 Race relations 亦如是。

你可以看一下 BBC 的 Learning English ,不過那裏解釋並不詳盡:
2007-01-18 8:04 am

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