
2007-01-18 5:42 am
1) 究竟什麼是傳理系? 係讀d咩ga? 難唔難讀? 讀傳理系有咩好? 讀完有咩出路?
2) 新聞系同傳理系有咩分別? 新聞系係讀d咩ga? 難唔難讀? 有咩好? 有咩出路?
3) o係浸大讀心理學好唔好? 讀完有咩出路?
4) o係浸大仲有邊d系較熱門?


回答 (1)

2007-01-18 10:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
傳理系,新聞系 BU 最出名的, 但相對比較難入degree 的
心理學 有top up degree 比較安全, 加上也是bu 特有的

1) 究竟什麼是傳理系? 係讀d咩ga? 難唔難讀? 讀傳理系有咩好? 讀完有咩出路?
The School's undergraduate program puts equal emphasis on theoretical and professional training. The purpose of this twofold approach is to help students to acquire both analytical and communication skills. The program also aims to develop in students a keen sense of professionalism and public service. It offers six professional tracks:

:: Journalism
:: Broadcasting
:: Advertising and Public Relations
:: Multimedia and Telecommunications
:: Communication Studies
:: Creative Media

畢左業之後,成功就業大概有幾多%? 我睇官方係話100%...但我想知係咪真o既.

2) 新聞系同傳理系有咩分別? 新聞系係讀d咩ga? 難唔難讀? 有咩好? 有咩出路?
新聞系<< only news report
傳理系<< all the things , include news reoprt
ok 難讀.
多數有名的新聞是從bu畢業的, 可立即做記者.
畢左業之後,成功就業大概有幾多%? 我睇官方係話100%...但我想知係咪真o既.

3) o係浸大讀心理學好唔好? 讀完有咩出路?
ok 的, 有朋友讀.... 心理doctor....

4) o係浸大仲有邊d系較熱門?
會計 有 top up degree, 是同其他的大學本科學生一起讀的...証書也是bu出的, 同一般沒有分別的...
精算 bu特有的, 出路多,人工比好, 可做精算師....
參考: the talk by BU CIE before.

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