有關臘腸狗ge資料(English Version)

2007-01-18 5:23 am
About their habit!!!

回答 (2)

2007-01-18 5:26 am
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分短毛、長毛和鋼毛 3種,體型分迷你和標準型,體重相差達 1倍。短毛臘腸狗屬原種,長毛種是與德國長耳獚( German Spaniel)混種而成的。祖先 廣 告



體型﹕標準型 16至 32磅、迷你型 11磅以下


壽命﹕ 10至 16歲


飼養要點﹕臘腸狗沒有皮膚及腸胃敏感問題,只是大耳朵較易發炎。短腳犬注意保護背脊,少做跳躍、 stand或兩腳站起的動作。抱牠時需兩邊平衡抱在懷裏,不宜爬梯級,對腰骨和後肢影響大。老年時易患椎間盆突出症,平日毋須大運動量,只放牠們在平地玩便可
2007-01-18 5:53 am
Native Country

Breed Description
Head: Fine lines, elongated and narrowing toward the nose. Slightly arched skull. Stop not pronounced. Slightly arched, narrow muzzle. Finely chiseled nose of black or brown color depending on coat color. Very well developed jaw bones. Tight lips.
Ears: Set on high. Rounded at the tips and hanging against the cheeks.
Eyes: Medium size, oval. Reddish brown to black-brown color. Walleyes permitted in grays and harlequins.
Body: Long. Muscular, dry neck without dewlap. Powerful, fairly prominent sternum. Deep, broad chest. When viewed from the front, rib cage is oval. Fairly flat ribs. Belly well tucked up. Long, rounded, compact croup slopes very slightly to the root of the tail.
Tail: Not too curved and not carried too gaily.
Hair: Smooth variety: flat and smooth.Wirehaired variety: dense with undercoat. Mustache, bushy eyebrows, smooth and short, flat on the ears.Longhaired: soft, flat, slightly wavy (like an Irish Setter). Longer on the throat, body, ears, upper legs, and tail (feathering).
Coat: Smooth variety: Single color – red, golden red, golden with or without mixture of black hairs. Bi-color – Black, brown, gray, white on extremities, tan with markings above the eyes, on the sides of the muzzle, on the forechest, upper legs, and feet, etc. Harlequin – Light brown, light gray, or white background with irregular dark brown, golden, golden red, or black spots.Wirehaired variety: All colors permissible.Longhaired variety: Same as smooth variety.
Size: 26 to 37 cm, depending on variety.
Weight: Standard: less than 9 kg; ideally 6.5 to 7 kg; ideally 6,5 to 7 kg (14,3-15,5 lb).Miniature: less than 4 kg at eighteen months. Diameter of chest less than 35 cm.Kaninchen: less than 3.5 kg. Diameter of chest less than 30 cm.

The FCI has dedicated an entire group (Group 4) to this hunting dog. There are three varieties of Dachshunds: Standard, Miniature, and Rabbit. Each variety is divided into three types according to coat: Smooth (Kurzhaar), longhaired (Langhaar), and wirehaired (Rauhhaar). The origins of the Dachshund have been obscured by time. The smooth variety is the oldest and is thought to have been produced by crossing a short Jura Bruno with a pinscher. The smooth Dachshund gave rise to the other two varieties. Type was fixed for the longhaired variety in the seventeenth century. The wirehaired variety was created in late nineteenth century by crossing the smooth Dachshund, the schnauzer, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier, and perhaps the Scottish Terrier. The first standard for the breed was writen in 1879. The Deutscher Teckel Club (German Dachshund Club) was formed in 1888. The standard variety (particularly the wirehaired standard) is used as a scenthound for large game, hare, and rabbit, as well as an earth dog for fox and badger. The Kaninchen (Rabbit Dachshund) was created specifically for hunting rabbit. In the early twentieth century, fanciers preferred the smooth variety, then later turned their favor to the longhaired variety. Today, the wirehaired Dachshund is the most popular.

This robust, courageous dog has great endurance, but does not always have a good disposition. The Dachshund is independent, belligerent, has a tendency to bite, and tries to exert his dominance over other dogs. His habit of barking at the least noise makes him a good guard dog. The Dachshund is affectionate and cheerful, but tends to be possessive and often jealous. The smooth variety is the most energetic, while the wirehaired variety is the most rustic and has the greatest hunting instinct. The longhaired variety is the calmest of the three. All Dachshunds must receive firm but gentle training from a very young age.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 06:57:11
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