
2007-01-18 5:13 am
剛剛漂過髮, 知道已經好傷, 但係隻色實在太難接受, 想盡快再染番黑色, 耐左之後會唔會新舊色混合左又變其他色?
如果真係再染番黑, 頭髮會唔會死晒?
我好怕頭髮唔再生, 會唔會呢? 大唔大機會呢?

回答 (1)

2007-01-18 5:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
this would hurt the hair seriously, find a good stylist & salon to do the dyeing again if really needed, cos they will do the treatment for u first to protect the hair

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