
2007-01-18 2:00 am

回答 (6)

2007-01-18 4:32 am
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狗既食物, 都要營養均衡, 我有 4 隻狗, 我比佢地係咁 :

- 雞胸肉 / 豬肝 / 冷藏魚柳 (是旦一款) : 旦白質 & 鐵質,
- 薯仔 / 通粉 / 飯 (是旦一款) : 澱粉質,
- 紅蘿蔔 / 瓜類 (可以一齊比) : 蔬菜纖維,
- 雞蛋 (煲熟)
- 狗糧 : 其他營養素

除咗飯同狗糧, 其他全部用 boil 或 steam 既方法, 不要加任何調味料.

將d食物切碎混埋一齊, 再加入飯同狗糧, 我相信你d狗狗會好鐘意食, 因為呢d係新鮮食物, 絕對無防腐劑.

但如果你啱啱開始比佢食, 最好先比少少, 而且唔好一次過比晒咁多種, 等狗狗既腸胃適應咗, 你就可以比齊上面咁多款啦.

因為我有 4 隻狗, 我通常會一次過煮3至4日既份量, 擺係雪柜, 每日比佢地食.
參考: my dogs
2007-01-20 6:57 am
2007-01-18 8:36 am
咩都唔好落, 就甘搵水煮佢地已經會覺得勁正! 甘最健康, 因為狗狗同我地唔同, 唔可以食甘多調味品....
2007-01-18 7:12 am
咩都唔洗落架, 佢都食得好開心架, 我啱啱先比完我狗狗食, 烚熟後切粒撈糧比佢食就得架喇!
2007-01-18 2:14 am
You don't need to put any "oil" , salt nor sugar for dog food's cooking. Receipes are as follows:

Cooking for dogs are intended to get you started, to supplement a commercial diet or to suffice until you can obtain more information or a book on the subject. They have not been balanced for long-term use.

You can use“mix-and-match” diets. Select one ingredient from each category (protein, starch if applicable), and add up to one cup of puréed raw or lightly steamed vegetables (up to three or four at a time of the following: broccoli, squash, sweet potato, cabbage, peas, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale). Ingredients may also be split, 1/2 of one plus 1/2 of another from the same category. Use organically-raised meat sources whenever possible to minimize antibiotic and hormone residues; this is required if feeding liver. The importance of variety cannot be overstressed. (This applies to any and all diets and recipes!) Do not get in the habit of feeding just one or two combinations of ingredients. Pay attention to your animal companion’s health: his weight, activity level, skin and coat quality. If these are not maintaining or improving, consult your veterinarian about changing elements of the diet.

To make a large batch of food, mix protein source, starch source (if applicable), oil, vegetables, and calcium together. Freeze in meal-sized portions. The other supplements should be added fresh at each meal.

The vitamin-mineral supplement should be a good quality, human-type supplement. Some of the cheaper human supplements, particularly those with a heavy coating, are not well digested by people and will not be by animals. To check, submerge a tablet in a glass of water with a splash of vinegar in it. (This mimics the acid environment of the stomach.) The tablet should dissolve within about 20 minutes. The average human supplement is designed for a 150-pound adult. A cat should get about 1/6 to 1/10 of a human supplement. A dog dosage can be calculated from the weight of the dog compared to 150 pounds. Do not overdose! Some vitamins and many minerals are toxic at high doses.

Alternatively, you can use a specially made dog or cat vitamin supplement, such as Pet Tabs or Nu-Cat. There are many good animal supplements available today that can be found at your local feed store or health food store.

Many supplements from the health food store require that a human take 4-6 tablets a day; a single tablet might be perfect for a smaller animal’s daily needs. You can grind up the supplements with a coffee grinder or mortar and pestle to add to the food; or get one that comes in capsules, and open the capsule to empty the powder into the food.

Bone meal must be an edible, human grade. Do not use bone meal intended for gardening or plants.

Probiotics include acidophilus and other “good” bacteria. They help maintain your companion animal’s normal bacterial population and prevent colonization by disease-causing bacteria. Digestive enzymes are important to keep the pancreas from being overworked, and to aid digestion so your animal companion gets the greatest benefit from the food she eats.

Meat may be fed cooked or raw. (While many holistic veterinarians recommend feeding raw meat, there are potential risks to your companion animal’s health from bacterially contaminated meat. Please discuss this issue with your veterinarian before feeding raw meat.) If feeding raw, it is recommended that meat be frozen for 72 hours at -4 degrees F prior to use. Most meats can be refrozen one time safely, so once you mix the meal, it can be put back in the freezer until thawed for feeding. Always follow standard safe meat handling procedures.

For examples of the receipe, please see http://www.api4animals.org/articles?p=360&more=1 for details
2007-01-18 2:03 am
ok ge~~不用調味lo~
參考: me

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