
2007-01-18 1:27 am

回答 (4)

2007-01-18 6:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
根據新的《吸煙(公眾衛生)條例》, 由07年1月1日開始, 抵港層(非禁區)的兩間吸煙室已經關閉, 其他於禁區內的吸煙室會正常運作。

p.s. 任何人不應於停機坪吸煙, 避免引起火災 (地面有飛機油)
參考: 本人為機場職員
2007-01-18 6:45 am

2007-01-17 22:47:38 補充:
參考: 藍xx
2007-01-18 2:21 am
Yes... Currently Hong Kong Airport have 10 smoking area (7 located in departure area while 3 located in arrival area... These smoking area are rooms located around the airport which is specially designed ventilation system to protect smokes from the smoking area leak into and around the terminal building...
Apart from the smoking room facilities, all other area inside the Terminal building are prohibited to smoke due to the newly passed regulation on smoking in public places and indoor...
2007-01-18 1:45 am

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