作文題目: Hong Kong is......

2007-01-18 1:26 am
學校要我地參加作文比賽,題目係Hong Kong is......
我唔知寫咩好......有冇人可以幫我諗下,唔該盡量寫埋大鋼(in english),有20分架!!

回答 (3)

2007-01-18 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Usually I will ask for ur lvl of english writing but u can follo the following things I can thought of:
Maybe it's about discribing HK?
For example:
HK is a wonderful place. You can meet kind people, see amazing views, and also try great things you've never imagined before.
Hong Kong had a exciting history. It was a quite but peaceful fishing village and..(etc. More history things)
Hong Kong is also a place with special culture....(etc. What does HK looks like and feels like?)
Hong Kong is famous for it's .....(etc. Like shopping, eating..)
HK is a fantastic place to be living in.....(etc.)
(remember to discribe what u feel and how special is HK)

A few questions that you should be thinking about:
1. Where is Hong Kong located?
2. List the history of Hong Kong (important things)
3. What is so special about HK?
4. What will you recommend people who are first timers to do in HK? Why?
5. Is HK a good place for you? Why?
6. Discribe HK's current enviorment.
7. What is your feeling towards HK? Explain.
8. Do you think HK is a great place? Why?

Try to do the questions and then look at your answers. That might give u some inspiration also.
參考: me
2007-01-18 1:38 am
HONG KONG is a wonderful place...
hong kong is a wonderful place because of
●cuisine ex :dim sum
●the scenery: disneyland←only five in the world
____________:ocean park
●shopping:don't need to pay tax
________ :wide variety of goods

talk about what you think of hong kong also
2007-01-18 1:37 am
如:Althoug Hong Kong os very big,it is very.
Hong Kong is many people live in.
Sor 呀
參考: 我

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