HD接駁Degree 有關途徑

2007-01-18 12:54 am
現在出來社會工作了一段時間,好明白學歷既重要性,想藉修讀PART-TIME 既HD,再修個DEGREE,我想用F.5成績(15分,but英文係A卷得D)報讀IVE既HD.聽講ive夠便同埋夠易接駁上degree,唔知我呢種情況,仲有冇得再得到資助呢?大約幾多per cent到呢?資助又有冇年齡限制呢?

回答 (2)

2007-01-25 6:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
i dont think so, i m now yr3 in IVE, i got schelaship tim~
but the studying environment is not good!
people are lazy......

I suggest u the below diploma, becoz it can link to
Bachelor of Management Studies.
I regret that not to study this!!!
Advanced Diploma in Management Studies
Enquiry 查詢: 2867 8323 Fax 傳真: 2861 0278 Email 電郵: [email protected]
Course Start Date 開課日期: 19 Mar 2007


The ADMS programme consists of 12 courses that are taken over 4 terms of study in 1.5 years.

Term I Term II
English Language Skills
Quantitative Methods I
Introduction to Business Computing
Hong Kong Business Environment
Introduction to Management

Term III Term IV
Business Law of HK and PRC
Chinese & English Communication, or
Human Resource Management, or Organizational Behaviour
Introduction to Accounting
Business Microeconomics
Introduction to Social Psychology, or
Human Resource Management

Assessment is based on coursework (40%) and examinations (60%).
There are 3 intakes each year, in March, July and November.
Not all elective courses will be offered in each term.
Before i study IVe I hav the same think as u!!!
but I think IVE need a longer time to enter U!
the Learning environment really not very good,
u can go to any IVE to check there are many student to play Poker anywhere aspecially in Canteen!!!
Hope can help u...

2007-02-05 12:51:16 補充:
2007-01-18 11:04 am
你可以choose 公開大學的 part-time, 可以直接入讀的. save more time.

地址: 香港公開大學
電話: 2711 2100
傳真機: 2715 0760
電子郵箱: [email protected]
網頁地址: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/

資訊日: 2006年11月4日

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 22:13:00
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