
2007-01-18 12:45 am
請問有沒有水濾式吸塵機的用家? 大家用緊哪一隻牌子
我知道市面上 有幾隻牌子 包括
因為家中有狗狗 想問一下 値不值得買? 買哪一隻好?

有沒有用家可以給予意見 謝謝

回答 (1)

2007-01-18 5:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I've seen some demo and eventually I bought KARCHER from Wing On department store. Karcher is German made (which I personally preferred) and with water filter. Read their web site and you will realize they've been focusing on vaccum and cleaning equipments and with long history. They don't have those direct sales doing on-site demo and that's why the cost is much lower. I bought mine for around $4000 and I used it for around 6 months already. So far, the only drawback is the bulky size, which is almost the same as Hyla and Rainbow.

If I have to buy vaccum cleaner again, I will consider the physical size. For small size, I will buy Samsung (the one with dry filter and using nano-technology). For large size, I will buy Karcher again.

Good luck to you:)

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