i need to send an email with a microsoft word attachment?

2007-01-18 12:38 am
My instructor says all class assignments must be sent by email as MS Word/Works attachments to him and i have no idea how to do this? Can anyone please help me out??? urgent!!! It would be much better if you can tell me step by step!! thanks

回答 (3)

2007-01-18 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
How to Send Email Attachments

Email attachments allow you to send files along with your email messages. An attachment can be any type of file, but the most common ones are text documents and images (photos etc).

Before you send an attachment, you need to know where it is located on your computer. Usually you will have saved the file using Windows Explorer or some other software. Whenever you save a file to use as an attachment, select "Save As..." and make a note of where you save it. If you can't find a file, use the Windows search function.

Once you know where the file is you can create the email message.

# Create a new email message and enter the usual details (recipient address, subject, etc).
# Look for an icon in your toolbar which looks like a paper clip and click it.
# A "Browse" window will open. Locate and select the attachment file.
2007-01-18 1:12 am
於SEND 之前CLICK attachment file,
再選擇自己的file 就可以了?
通常attachment file的鍵都是一個好似萬字夾的鍵,
你click 了它就可以選file 了
2007-01-18 1:08 am
1. complete your assignments in MS Word format and save the Word file with ".doc" extension
2. open your email software (Outlook) or webmail (such as hotmail, yahoo, gmail)
3. after typing in the email address of your instructor, attach the MS Word document you saved in point 1 to the email message
4. send the email (with attachment) to your instructor

PS. you may wish to try to send it yourself first to make sure it's ok.

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