請解答以下phrasal verb 的例子(3)

2007-01-17 9:29 pm
1.make of
2.make from
3.put by
4.give off
5.catch on

回答 (3)

2007-01-17 10:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Make of
- To understand or make sense of
What do you make of her sudden change in attitude?
I cannot make head of tail of these complicated instructions.
An untrained employee cannot make much of this computer.
- To exaggerate
She has inclined to make too much of all her little aches and pains.
- To make a fuss of, lavish affection on
She spoils her grandchildren and likes to make much of them.
- To treat as unimportant
When we praised her achievement, she modestly tried to make nothing of it.
- To construct from
These realistic-looking flowers are made of sugar.
- To adapt to and put up with
As we cannot change the situation, we must make the best of it.
- To obtain maximum benefit from
Let us make the most of the fine weather and go for a walk
- To put yourself to best advantage
She has no beauty but she does the most of herself by dressing well.

Make From

We use "made from" to talk about an object that has changed from its original state. We use "made of" when the object's material is obvious to us, because we see it. We use "made with" to talk about something created with two or more ingredients--usually for food. Note that when we use "made with," we don't have to mention all ingredients as long as others are implied.

Wine is made from grapes. 酒是由葡萄製成。
Pasta is made from flour. 麵條是由麵粉製成。
Ketchup is made from tomatoes. 茄汁是由蕃茄製成。

This wine bottle is made of glass. 這個酒瓶是用玻璃造的。
This table is made of wood. 這張檯是用木造的。
This statue is made of rock. 這個石像是用石頭造的。

These cookies are made with sugar and cinnamon.
This soup is made with chicken broth. 這種湯是用清雞湯造的。
What did you make these chocolates with? 這種朱古力是用甚樣造的?

Put By
- To save
Everyone should put by a regular amount for their retirement.

Give Off
- To emit or send out
Cut flowers sometimes give off a bad smell after a few days.
This fire is not giving off much heat.

Catch On
- To be hit by a moving object
The falling ladder catches me on the shoulder.
To become entangled or hooked
Her skirt caught on a thorn.
- To become popular
This book is too boring to catch on.
- To understand
She is slow to catch on the meaning of the book.

參考: 自己 及 Yahoo learning
2007-01-17 9:58 pm
1.make of -
make of something or someone
To understand by it or them.
Example: What do you make of their comments?
Example: They did not know what to make of us

2.make from - 用什麽來製做意思, i.e. XX is made from XX, e.g. soy milk is made from soybeans. OR Mashed potato is made from butter, potato & milk.
3.put by - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/put%20by
4.give off - http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/phrasal-verbs/give+off.html
5.catch on - http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/phrasal-verbs/catch+on.html
2007-01-17 9:46 pm
★ make of sth/sb (OPINION) phrasal verb
‧ If you ask someone what they make of someone or something, you want to know
their opinion about that person or thing, often because there is something strange
about them:
e.g. Can you make anything of this information?
What do you make of the new boss?

★ put by sth or put sth by
‧ to save an amount of money in order to use it later
e.g. If you put a little by every week, it soon adds up.

★ give off sth
‧ to produce heat, light, a smell, or a gas
e.g. I've only got a small radiator in my room and it doesn't give off much heat.
The petrol tank was on fire and it was giving off clouds of thick black smoke.

‧ if someone gives off a particular quality, their behaviour or appearance makes you
believe that they have that quality
e.g. Although he came from a working-class family, he gave off a certain air of nobility.

★ catch on
‧ to become popular
e.g. The practice of taking cold showers is unlikely to catch on in Britain.
The movie did not catch on with black audiences. [often + with]

‧ (slightly informal) to understand something, especially after a long time
e.g. They sold the fake jewellery for years before anyone caught on.
The audience soon catches on to the fact that he is only joking. [often + to]

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參考: Copyright © 2007 Cathy Stung Hong Kong Limited. 版權所有 不得轉載

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