Math Math Math

2007-01-17 6:22 pm
1. One florin is worth 28 crnts Candian. If you wanted to buy 1 pound of tea that costed
350 florins for half a pound, then how much (in candian doolars) will 1 pound of tea

2. Suppose you were a millionaire in the World War ll times. Pineapples were not
rationed and costed about 500 florins for one. How many pineapples could you buy
with 5500 florins?



Just one is okay!!!

回答 (1)

2007-01-17 8:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 用 F 代表 florin,C代表 crnts,P代表"a pound of tea"。

price of one pound of tea that costed 350 florins for half a pound,
0.5 P = 350 F
  P = 700 F
∴each pound of tea cost 700 florins

how many crnts do 700 florin cost?
  F = 28 C
700 F = 700 × 28C
700 F = 19600 C
∴ 700 florin cost 19600 crnts

∵each pound of tea cost 700 florins and 700 florin cost 19600 crnts.
∴each pound of tea cost 19600 crnts.

2) 以下我用 F代表 florins , PA 代表 "a pineapple"

If a pineabple costed about 500 florins for one, how many could I buy with 5500 florins?
 500 F = PA
   F = PA ÷ 500
5500 F = 5500 × (PA ÷ 500)
5500 F = 11PA
∴ I could buy 11 Pineapples with 5500 florins.

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