
2007-01-17 4:31 pm
骨灰位英文? ...ashes...grave...??

回答 (6)

2007-01-17 6:40 pm
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我上過一些提供骨灰位服務的網站,骨灰位的英文是”Ash box position"

2007-01-17 6:11 pm

a cinerary casket of bone ashes.
2007-01-17 5:55 pm
Yes, " ash " can only mean 骨灰 but not 骨灰位.

" urn " can mean 骨灰甕. (" urn ", pronounce like " earn ".)

And I think we don't usually say " 骨灰位 " but more like " 骨灰靈位 " or just " 靈位 ". And since there is nothing like " 靈位 " in western culture, usually western people would say " soul " or " soul space " to describe " 靈位 ".

But since I'm a Chinese, I think " soul " is not the best word for this case. You may say " urn space " for better expression.
(That means, the ash should be put in an urn first, and then the place for putting the urn can called " urn space ".)
2007-01-17 5:39 pm
骨灰位: Ashes space

Ashes 係剩係解骨灰

Grave 係解墓穴

2007-01-17 10:25:19 補充:
我睇過好多個website, 都係咁譯, 你可以參考下:http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&u=http://www.fsbyg.com/Shop/ShowProduct.asp?ProductID=110&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=4&ct=result&prev=/search?q=+%E9%AA%A8%E7%81%B0%E4%BD%8D&start=10&hl=en&lr=&sa=N
2007-01-17 5:02 pm
bone ash; (骨灰;磷酸鈣,不一定是人類的骨灰)
ashes of the dead; (死者的骨灰)
cremains (人類屍體火化後之骨灰)

2007-01-17 10:20:08 補充:
更正︰(抱歉上面打錯了)骨灰位應該是columbarium niches (放骨灰甕的壁龕)壁龕就是一個像櫃子的東西,可以放骨灰的我在http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cremains找到這個字的。

2007-01-17 10:37:39 補充:
我在http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbarium也找到骨灰位這個字。In some cases, columbaria are built into church structures. ......which houses a number of columbarium niches in the mausoleum built into the lower levels of the Cathedral.
參考: Dr. eye 即時辭典
2007-01-17 4:56 pm

1. bone ash

2. ashes of the dead

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