one day one sex

2007-01-17 3:47 pm
one day one sex,ok ma?

回答 (7)

2007-01-19 4:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
one day one sex ok ......with love is two people la....but y don't forget rest
2007-01-17 6:18 pm
no ok la!做得太多次,都欠缺新鮮感啦!一星期一次都ok嘅!做愛都係溝通嘅方法之一,增加對對方嘅感情,將感情升華嘛!如果日日都做,就有d變得好似例行公事咁,無咗意思架啦!
2007-01-17 5:59 pm
If you are young and very healthy, sex once a day will not do your body a great deal of harm. But please think that do you really need to do it once a day? Why? Also, will your g/f wants to do it with you once a day? Different people have different needs! Like some people need to drink coffee everyday but others do not. You need to talk to your g/f to see if she is happy to have sex with you everyday!

Doing it once a day will burn up a lot of your energy and will make you weak! So if you are not that strong and healthy, it will cause you health problem in the long run!

May be you are new to sex and find it curious and want to do it everyday but try to cool down and think about life and how to be nice with your g/f. Having sex everyday does not mean that you are being nice to her. You also need to do other things with her to keep her happy so that you two can last for a long time.
Not OK.

It will harm and deteriorate your health, and make you getting old earlier.

Pls. bear in mind that sex addict equal to drug addict, so pls try to quit the habit or at least reduce the frequency.
2007-01-17 4:19 pm
one day one sex ok no problem, no harm to your body
2007-01-17 3:59 pm
What is in your mind.
Sex is both side .
1. It would do you heath harm.
2. What about the other side sex mind.
3. Do this sex or love.
so think about it.
2007-01-17 3:54 pm
I think no la

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