翻譯做英文thank you

2007-01-17 2:34 pm
我有一隻戒指.. 係朋友係tiffany & co買ge .. 買左幾年架啦.. 最近發覺...唔岩帶...
隻戒指太大.. 好鬆,, so 你地可唔可以幫到我.. 你可唔可以幫我整細佢...? 要收幾多錢到?

回答 (6)

2007-01-17 4:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have a Tiffany & Co.'s ring that I received as a gift from a friend. I have owned the ring for a few years already and I just found out recently that the ring is a bit too lose for me. I wonder if you can resize the ring for me? and what is the price for the service?

By the way, I don't have the receipt for the ring.
2007-01-17 6:50 pm
I've got a ring as a gift from Tiffany & co. a few years ago. I found that it's too big for me. Can you please help me to make it smaller? How much would that cost? Also, I don't have a receipt for the ring.
2007-01-17 6:22 pm
My friend bought me a ring in Tiffany & Co. few years ago.
I founded out it is too big for me. Can you make it smaller
for me? How much is the cost? Also, I do not have a receipt.
2007-01-17 6:19 pm
I got a ring as a gift from my friend. Unit recently, I have the size of the ring is not for me because it is too lossen. If possible, would you mind to do me a favour if reducing the ring size to suit for me? If so, how much is the charge?

I am sorry for not having any receipt for this.

Thank you.
2007-01-17 4:11 pm
Few years ago my friend bought me a ring from Tiffany & co,recently i just find out the ring is to big,so can you help me to make it a bit smaller,how much will charge for this? Actually i don't have receipt for that, thank you.
2007-01-17 2:49 pm
I have a ring that I received as a gift from a friend. I have owned the ring for a few years already and I just found out recently that the ring is a bit too lose for me. I wonder if you can help me by making the ring size smaller so it can fit me? If so, how much will you charge for this?

And since I received this as a gift, I do not have the receipt to this.

Thank you.

2007-01-19 00:31:33 補充:
Hey this is copied from my post (I am the first one answering to this question!!!) How come! I am going to report this.
參考: myself

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