設計:new minimalism (20pt!urgent)

2007-01-17 10:19 am

甚麼是new minimalism?

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new minimalism= 「簡約家居」

我們周不時會聽到別人說「簡約」甚麼甚麼的,例如時裝有「簡約時裝」,家居有 「簡約家居」,舞台演出也有「簡約派」,音樂也有「簡約音樂」,究竟簡約是甚 麼?

New minimalism

Contemporary German furniture design, but also contemporary international furniture design in general, appears to be influenced by a new minimalism, which characterises the work of designers such as Axel Kufus (born in 1958), Hauke Murken (born in 1963), Vogt + Weizzenegger (Oliver Vogt, born in 1966 and Hermann Weizenegger, born in 1963) and Jakob Gebert (born in 1965). The decisive factor here is not objective reduction, however, but the sounding out of the qualities of the materials and their inherent creative, functional and technical possibilities.
The intelligent use of new materials and technologies leads to innovative results, for example, gel furniture (1998) by Werner Aisslinger (born in 1964). Precisely for this reason, the creative range in Germany is wide, as is illustrated by comparing the furniture designs of an industrial designer like Christoph Böninger (born in 1957) with those of the furniture-maker Hubert Matthias Sanktjohanser (born in 1960), but also by comparing the work of Thorsten Franck (born in 1970), Sven-Anwar Bibi (born in 1971) and Kay Thoss (born in 1962).

Today, in a networked world, it is paradoxical to speak of exclusively German furniture design. Local or regional design has become practically non-existent, and the distinctions are becoming increasingly blurred. German designers are trained in London and draft designs for Italian companies; German companies produce prototypes by English designers … the list could be extended indefinitely. Time and again, however, differences may be discerned. Italian design, which indulges in forms and colours, differs from German furniture designers’ rather more ascetic, "dryer" designs, with their sometimes complex functionality.

簡約音樂是甚麼? 「簡約主義」(Minimalism)是指一切從簡、愈簡單愈好的一種想法。放在音樂上, 當然也是這樣的了,「簡約音樂」(Minimalism)不是指所有簡單的音樂,而是專指 其中一種流派,這種流派是現代正統音樂中的一派,它對流行樂、New Age及電子 音樂也有重要影響。「簡約音樂」的特點是不斷重複數個音符 - 不斷重複……重 複……然後,在不知不覺間將音符慢慢轉變。這種音樂跟我們聽慣的音樂很不相 同,我們聽慣的歌總是有旋律的,有一句一句的旋律的,但「簡約音樂」只有不斷 重複的一組音符,沒有明顯的一句句旋律,好像向人催眠一樣。

「簡約音樂」代表人物有 Philip Glass 及 Steve Reich 等,他們於六十年代開 始創作這類音樂,至今已被公認為現代最具權威性的正統音樂。在香港,沒有玩 「簡約音樂」的著名音樂人,如果想了解這種音樂,最宜聽 Philip Glass 的 CD,任何一張都極有趣呢。
參考: OK 嗎?

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