
2007-01-17 7:55 am


回答 (3)

2007-01-17 7:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you are going to US, you probably will study Grade 11 (Junior grade) in high school.

USA Public High Schools:

- If you are not holding Green Card or not a US citizen, you will not be able to study in public high school in United States.
- Let say you are able to study in public high, your annual tuition is around USD$5,000.
- Other than tuition, public school usually do not provide housing service. You either need to rent place to live or live in a host family. Rental rate in USA is vary, it all depends on which part of USA you live in. (Example: USD$1,000 monthly for a tiny studio in Los Angeles, but USD$1,000 monthly for a hugh "HOUSE" in Texas).

USA Private High Schools:
- Most HK people will study in private high schools. Annual tuition fee is around USD $10,000 to $15,000
- They usually have dorms for foriegn students to live in. (mor familiar in East Coast)
- Private shcools will mostly do all the pre-school stuff for the students. You do not need to worry too much about it.
- They ususally will send some "school representatives" (I called them school "salesperson") to HK and hold a meeting in some grand/cheap hotels to 招生. You can get more information there.

As I recall, students who study in US/Canada do not have any financial support from government.
參考: I studied 8 years in United States, from east coast to west coast.
2007-01-17 10:16 am
you will need anywhere from 30,000-40,000 usd for secondary schools in the US and that's tuition+room and board. And it largely depends on your own personal expenses (like how many times will you fly back to HK per year lei)

I dont think the goverment have any grants for secondary schools, but maybe for college, but that's very competitive. You should look into private scholarships if you are a top student at school, doesnt hurt to try those.
參考: myself
2007-01-17 8:01 am
可以先揀一 d 加拿大或者美國0既中學讀
有一0的私立中學係專收 international 學生
會有office 響香港, 有專人幫你安排手續, 適當0既入學時間, 同埋做簽證

除非父母係公務員, 如果唔係, 政府唔會有補貼
仲要好似聽過, 唔知幾多年前開始, 呢個福利無埋

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