
2007-01-17 7:41 am
我有一物業, 年半前以75萬購入,剛以97萬售出, 現尚欠按揭還款49萬, 需罰息2%, 另還房協維修貸款約$45000. 應買家要求, 成交期三個月, 即四月中才完成交易. 由於我是想樓換樓, 不想浪費時間中途租樓住, 又見樓價不斷上升, 故希望盡快再購物業, 完成裝修, 4月中入住, 並已有心儀物業(有12年樓齡的, 也有21及24年樓齡的), 但手上只有五萬資金. 請問有哪間銀行能提供樓換樓過渡貸款? 上限多少? 香港按揭證券有限公司承保機會大不大? 如果我是在收到買家大訂後, 才以樓換樓過渡貸款再買物業, 風險多大? 若再購入的樓樓齡有20年或以上, 能再申請房協維修貸款裝修嗎?還是我應先租半年樓住, 慢慢挑較保險/化算?
我再次購入物業, 仍打算只借7成, 但預算要10萬元做裝修, 那應以樓價多少、樓齡多大的物業為合理? 本人現26歲, 已工作三年, 並於同一機構任職兩年, 月薪$13000, 每月按揭還款約$4300, 另每月保險供約$4000 (人壽$817.00, 儲蓄$508.00, 醫療人壽$676.50, 退休$2000.00), 生活開支每月約$4000.

謝謝louiszam的意見. 其實12年那層要110萬, 也就是說首期要37萬, 而且我覺得就算可以分30年還, 還因為息多, 供得有點吃力, 三層中我在想會不會買24年樓齡, 但只要75萬的那層小小的, 首期只要25萬, 也就是說減去裝修支出, 我還有十餘萬可變回流動資金錢滾錢. 我是希望向銀行要分20年供, 但目標是提早還款, 10年內供完, 再租出去供第二層……也因為它不貴, 我才會心痕痕想要搏一搏, 心想如果九成半按揭不行, 鋌而走險用樓換樓過渡貸款也可一試(但我不知道那麼難批)(我只會買基金, 不熟悉股票外匯期貨孖展……)

回答 (1)

2007-01-17 8:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Bridging loan basically is unsecured loan which is secured by a sold out property, bank have no secured asset in leagl concept (sold out pty no longer belong to you once agreement is signed) Normally only your existing motgage bank will take consideration with certain condition such as new property must be booked from her and bridging loan interest rate will much higher than market rate (P+1% - P+4%) , borrowing tenor should be less than 6 month.

Surely you may rent 6 month contract flat to secure your investment not to go so far and to take conclusion of your asset because your liquid asset is not good enough to pay downpayment for a 1 million valued flat (30% of purchasing price) even bank approve your bridging loan (Max loan = Valuation * 70% - Outstanding loan amount, I think it should not more than 200,000).

One thing you should take count is your repayment ability. Every bank count 50% of your monthly salary (depend on bank policy) as repayment ability and they won't take calculation on your insurance because they believe you may stop the contribution when you have to do so. Nevertheless, your ideal purchasing price is still around 1 million and property tenor should be 12 yr one is better. you can take longer loan tenor to minimize your monthly repayment amount.

Beyond your purchasing intension, you may have no more money to save as liquid asset improvement after purchasing a flat. Borrower should have at least equal to 12 month salary deposit after purchasing a flat. it give you security on your investment and give you buffer zone for any unexpected event that let you cost somthing.

At last, in my own opinion only, should you buy new flat or not, it subject to how urgent you have to buy a flat, and what purpose go behind you buy a flat, if you buy it for investment , i think you should take 6 month contract then hold cash to see any better and faster investment channel you can take such as stock. If you buy it for value keep with potentical growth , you no need to take risk. play save then you will have a lot.
2016-04-30 10:32 am
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