About 防毒軟件 , firewall

2007-01-17 5:02 am
Which 防毒軟件 , firewall you think is the best, and **it is free?
ONLY need to give one of each, and tell me where to download. Thanks.

****FREE****** *good *can download from the website to use .

回答 (4)

2007-01-17 8:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Tere are plenty oif good choices, but as you only asked ONE for each, I will give you the best choice only. I am using them for myself as well.

Free anti-virus: Active Virus Shield

This is a version of the famous Kapasky anti-virus, good and reliable protection, does not significantly slow down your PC, and update every 2 hours. You need to register your email address to activate the products. (No worry, it will not send you advertisment or spam).

Free firewall: Zonealarm

This is probably the most famous personal firewall software. Good protect and easy to use. However, this may slow down your PC a bit.

Actually, the bult-in Windows Firewall in XP Service Pack 2 is an OKAY choice if you do not require very high security...

Wish this can be helpful to you.
參考: my personal experience
2007-01-17 5:13 am
firewall - zone alarm
防毒 - no such example
2007-01-17 5:09 am
Norton Internet Security..You'd better buy it and download it cos u might not get everything online. If you buy it in computer shops u'll just get a CD with everything in it, so its easier. I've been using this software for years without it my computer would have died.
2007-01-17 5:06 am
Sent u message, please check :)

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