問government and Government的分別

2007-01-17 5:00 am
到底government 和Government (留意大小寫的分別)之間有甚麼分別?用法又如何?
那麼我們用it 和they 來做"政府"的pronoun 時又有甚麼分別?用法又如何?

回答 (2)

2007-01-17 7:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你所指的對象不同,就見到grammatical usage上的分別:

GENERAL: 沒有指明對象
e.g. we need a supportive government to drive improvement of the welfare of the poor and the weak.此句無指明哪個政府.所以是一個普通的名詞,無須大寫.

SPECIFIC: 有指定的對象
e.g. The Britain have long believed their Government is the unit behind the plot of Princess Diana's incident. 此句指明是英國政府,須要大寫.

如果你指一群政府的人,government可視為一個collective noun(集體名詞),以眾數計;如果你視政府為一個機構,一個獨立的個體 (separate entity),就以單數計.可以比較下列例句:

e.g. The government take a large share of the public expenditure every year.政府的人每年耗掉大筆的公帑.
e.g. As a graduate of politics I want to join the government one day, to contribute what I learn in the college. 政治學畢業的我,希望有天能投身政府,將我的所學用諸社會.
2007-01-17 5:04 am

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