Why is the sky blue in colour?

2007-01-17 3:52 am
Why is the sky blue in colour?

回答 (4)

2007-01-17 3:56 am
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這是太陽光被地球大氣散射 (scattering) 的結果。當陽光進入地球的大氣層後,空氣和水蒸氣的分子吸收部份陽光,再向四方八面輻射,這種現象稱為散射。白色的陽光是由不同顏色的光波合成的,以藍光 波長最短,紅光波長最長,波長短的藍光較容易被散射。日落時夕陽接近地平線,陽光須穿過較厚的大氣層才到達地面 ,大部份藍光被散射,餘下紅光,所以夕陽呈現紅色。另一方面,由於白天時太陽光只穿過較薄的大氣層,藍光被散射的程度減少,所以太陽看起來是白色的,同時 由於天空充滿了被散射的藍光,所以整個天空呈現藍色。

日落時陽光經過較厚的大氣層,大部份藍光被散射。 日落時天空呈現一片紅色




從水杯的不同方向去觀察被散射的光線。 注意在接近光源的地方牛奶的乳懸液略帶藍色,遠離光源的地方則略帶紅色,可見藍光較易被散射。

如果你把光線設想為波浪,你就會猜破這個謎了。光其實是像一個波浪那樣在運動的。我們來設想一下一滴雨落在一個水窪裏的情景。當這滴雨落到水面上時,就會 產生小波浪,波浪一起一伏地變成更大的圈,向著四面八方擴展開去。如果這些波浪碰上一塊小石子或一個別的什麼障礙物,它們就會反彈回來,改變了波浪的方 向。
而陽光從天空照射下來,一樣會連續不斷地碰到某些障礙。因為光所必須穿透的空氣並不是空的,它由很多很多微小的微粒組成。其中百分之九十九不是氮氣便是氧 氣,其餘則是別的氣體微粒和微小的漂浮微粒,來源於汽車的廢氣、工廠的煙霧、森林火災或者火山爆發出來的岩灰。雖然氧氣和氮氣微粒只是一滴雨水的一百萬分 之一,但是它們也照樣能阻擋陽光的去路。光線從這些眾多的小“絆腳石”上彈回,自然也就改變了自己的方向。
水窪裏,小的波浪遇到小石子的話,水面便被搞得混亂不堪;但如果是一個“巨浪”,像你用手在水窪邊掀起的那種“巨浪”,它就有可能乾脆從石頭上溢過去,並 暢通無阻地到達水窪的對面邊緣。那麼,就像有大波浪和小波浪一樣,各種各樣顏色的光波也有不同的“波浪”,也就是波長:不過它們可不像水波的波浪,用肉眼 是看不出它們的大小的,因為它們小得難以想像,只是一根頭髮的一百分之一!得用很靈敏的測量儀錶才可以精確地測定出來。
比如在你頭頂的天空是藍色的,可是在地平線—天地相接的地方,天空看上去卻幾乎是白色的。為什麼?就是因為陽光從地平線到你這個地方比起它直接從空中落下 來,需要在空氣中走的路程要遠得多—而在一路上它所擦過的微粒子也自然就要多得多。這些大量的微粒子就這樣多次散射出光,所以它顯得白中透著淡藍。建議你 做一個小實驗來驗證一下:拿一杯水,把它放在一個黑暗的背景裏,放進一滴牛奶,再拿一隻手電筒照射杯子的一端,並靠近它,手電筒的光在水中即會顯現出淡藍 色。如果你往水裏放進的牛奶越多,水就越白,因為光一再地受到這些眾多的牛奶微粒的散射,結果就是白色的。道理跟在地平線上空是白色的一樣。
太陽落山時的傍晚,天空不顯現藍色而顯現紅色,正在下落的太陽也變成暗紅色,也是一樣的道理。由於傍晚的光在照射到你這個地方的路上所遇到的眾多的微粒, 使得陽光中的紫色的和藍色的部分往四面八方散射開去,僅留下一點點使你的肉眼看得見的橙紅色光線—因為它們的波長長、“波浪大”,翻過了路上的障礙。
不過,細心的你會發現,天穹在落日後也還會在一段時間內呈現深藍色。這也曾經是科學家們關心的一件怪事,不過幾個物理學家已經在50年前揭開了這個謎:導 致黃昏時天空的藍色,是一種特別的物質。這種特別的物質在離地球表面20至30公里的高空處聚集成厚厚的一個層面,叫臭氧層。這種氣體對正在下落的太陽光 起到像顏色篩檢程式那樣的作用:它截獲太陽光中的黃色和橙色的部分,卻幾乎無阻攔地讓藍色的部分通過。當最後的少許光消失時,所有的顏色才消失在黑暗的夜 色中。

2007-01-16 22:53:48 補充:
The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by the air.

2007-01-16 22:54:23 補充:
However, much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions. It gets scattered all around the sky. Whichever direction you look, some of this scattered blue light reaches you.

2007-01-16 22:54:45 補充:
Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead, the sky looks blue.As you look closer to the horizon, the sky appears much paler in color. To reach you, the scattered blue light must pass through more air. Some of it gets scattered away again in other directions.

2007-01-16 22:55:12 補充:
Less blue light reaches your eyes. The color of the sky near the horizon appears paler or white.On a clear sunny day, the sky above us looks bright blue. In the evening, the sunset puts on a brilliant show of reds, pinks and oranges. Why is the sky blue? What makes the sunset red?

2007-01-16 22:55:41 補充:
To answer these questions, we must learn about light, and the Earth's atmosphere. THE ATMOSPHEREThe atmosphere is the mixture of gas molecules and other materials surrounding the earth. It is made mostly of the gases nitrogen (78%), and oxygen (21%).
2007-01-17 4:00 am
It's because the air reflect almost most of the other colour of light .
參考: no
2007-01-17 3:58 am
Why is the sky blue?

Clear blue sky.The sky is blue partly because air scatters short-wavelength light in preference to longer wavelengths. Combined, these effects scatter (bend away in all directions) some short, blue light waves while allowing almost all longer, red light waves to pass straight through. When we look toward a part of the sky not near the sun, the blue color we see is blue light waves scattered down toward us from the white sunlight passing through the air overhead. Near sunrise and sunset, most of the light we see comes in nearly tangent to the Earth's surface, so that the light's path through the atmosphere is so long that much of the blue and even yellow light is scattered out, leaving the sun rays and the clouds it illuminates red.

Scattering and absorption are major causes of the attenuation of radiation by the atmosphere. Scattering varies as a function of the ratio of the particle diameter to the wavelength of the radiation. When this ratio is less than about one-tenth, Rayleigh scattering occurs in which the scattering coefficient varies inversely as the fourth power of the wavelength. At larger values of the ratio of particle diameter to wavelength, the scattering varies in a complex fashion described, for spherical particles, by the Mie theory; at a ratio of the order of 10, the laws of geometric optics begin to apply.
2007-01-17 3:56 am
Why is the sky blue in colour?




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