
2007-01-17 2:31 am
巴哈,生於一六八五年三月二十一日德國中部山地的埃森納赫 ( Eisenach ), 父親 ( Johann Ambrosiua Bach) ,是一位擅長小提琴的宮廷音樂家,共有六男二女,巴哈是幼子。
巴哈的家庭,雖然不很富裕,但相當安定穩實,200年間更音樂人才輩。他在年幼時,就隨父親學習小提琴‧ 巴哈十歲時,父親不幸去世,因此被送往奧德魯夫大哥家居住,並在那裏接受學校教育。 這位哥哥,是教堂風琴師,巴哈隨他學習風琴和大鍵琴的演奏。 這時,巴哈還在教會合唱團擔任童聲女高音獲得,正確不少演奏基礎。 十五歲時,巴哈就前往龍尼堡的聖米海爾教堂充任合唱團歌手。這時他還認真地研究這教堂收藏。
一七零三年四月,巴哈曾於安斯塔教堂擔任小提琴師,風琴師與合唱長。 巴哈也從這時期,開始作曲。二十歲那年巴哈聆聽當時最顯赫的風琴演奏家巴克斯泰烏德的演奏后, 大受感動,此後正式寫作的風琴曲,把巴克斯泰烏德樣式的長處,全部納為己有。

please help me change to english!thx!

回答 (2)

2007-01-20 9:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Bach, born on 21st,March 1685,in Eisenach in Germany. His father ( Johann Ambrosiua Bach) was a palace musician which is good at violin. His father had six sons and two daughters and Bach was the youngest child in his family. Bach's family was not very wealthy but the stability was quite steady, there were many music talents during 200 years. He studied violin with his father when he was young. Unfortunately,his father died when he was ten.He was sent to live in his eldest brother house and received education over there. His eldest brother is a organ musician in the church, and Bach studied organ and the harpsichord with him. At that time, Bach held the post of soprano of child's voice and obtained many correct performance basic skills. At the age of 15, Bach went to the Saint rice Haire church in Lüneburg to be a singer in the choir. And he had earnestly studied the church's collection.
In April 1703, Bach went to be a violinist,a organ musician and the chairperson of the choir in the Aines tower church,Bach started writing songs at that time. At the age of 20,Bach listened the performance of the most famous organist at that time, Bucks Taiwoody, and was impressed. Hereafter, the song he wrote for organ formally, used all the good point of Bucks Taiwoody for himself.

2007-01-20 13:44:28 補充:
the names in the passage are not quite accurateso you better find the CORRECT nameand I suggest you to this website,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bach
參考: me
2007-01-17 2:56 am
係Bach, 唔係 Ba Ka
同埋佢全名係 J.S.Bach

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