
2007-01-17 12:26 am
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i A recent article published on BBC Chinese.com Q1. (revealed) that Q2. (nearly) three out of four employers in the United Kingdom Q3. (banned) Christmas decorations in the office fearing it would Q4. (offend) people from other faiths.
ii. As a cosmopolitan city with different racial groups, Hong Kong Q5. (upholds) the freedom of religion and there has been no report of such situation.

回答 (1)

2007-01-17 12:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
i A recent article published on BBC Chinese.com Q1. (uncovered) that Q2. (almost) three out of four employers in the United Kingdom Q3. (prohibited) Christmas decorations in the office fearing it would Q4. (upset) people from other faiths.

ii. As a cosmopolitan city with different racial groups, Hong Kong Q5. (supports) the freedom of religion and there has been no report of such situation.

iii What do people of different Q6. (beliefs) do in Hong Kong during Christmas?

iv. To Tsang Chung-yeung, a 17-year-old Christian, participates in Christmas activities and church services such as singing carols and Q7. (going to) Midnight Mass.

v Christmas does not Q8. (carry) any special meanings to her as she grows up in a Buddhist family.
參考: me

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