
2007-01-16 10:05 pm

回答 (2)

2007-01-19 10:22 pm
八萬五 policy is not created by TUNG .
Only land developer understand the consequence of 八萬五 ........can detroy HK economy .
TUNG is a stupid person . He will never understand the power of 八萬五 .....

By the way , 八萬五 policy make 50 % of HK middle class becomes NEGATIVE equity .
Hence, they cannot sell their house and cannot migrate to Canada or Australia anymore .
Then , they must stay & work in HK forever .

TUNG 八萬五 policy do a good thing for HK .
參考: me
2007-01-17 1:36 am
其實各有各好 ...
有人話過 :
董建華 :比較是 "林" ,佢可以話係用 "黃老無為"的思想
曾陰權 :比較重法 ,傾向以法治國的

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