U ranking of achitecture&planning

2007-01-16 7:52 pm
我想要 achitecture & planning ge 大學ranking,全球or 全us

Planetizen 2007 Guide to Graduate Urban Planning Programs
但係佢係一本書,我得唔到佢ge 資料。

有冇咩人仕清楚有關ge資料? 如果可以推薦到幾間係利方面出名ge大學都可攞到我ge分。
我主要想讀ge係city, community, regional planning<---所以所提供ge資料希望比較接近利方面。


回答 (1)

2007-01-16 8:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
have you tried this before?

I studied at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design before (landscape architecture major) but I took a class with urban planning and had some classmates in that program. Overall seems to be a good program and very notable instructors (well, they are famous) If you enter overall recommended practices in the drop down of Rank programs based on perceptions of ..., you can see that basically Harvard, Texas A&M, U of Wash, U of Illinois, Ohio State, UC Berkley and UCLA are out there.

Oh, and please read this thread too:

Good luck with the school search~ Let me know if you have any questions.
參考: myself~

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