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Design this cup for the friend, I not drinking at ordinary times, seem to be already dull like water Nekeas Viura Chardonnay after trying Nekeas Viura Chardonnay, but have opposite feelings as drinking and leaving the mouth. This kind of feeling is unusual, amazing, wake up god, scorching hot, unique. Having finished drinking, the look while seeming to burn inside the belly.
I comply with this feeling to design the glass " ONLY" So " ONLY "; Represent a kind of feeling, a symbol, a glamour. Lines representative of glass catch fire flame, have certain type attitude getting red glass add lines represent unique glamour. Three foot cup handles of golden metal, represent the noble style.
2007-01-16 12:06:23 補充:
你篇文的口語都幾多下……我幫你轉晒做書面語先用 Dr.eye 幫你翻譯嫁!