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「索倫 / 薩魯曼 / 炎魔 / 甘道夫, 呢四位既然都同屬為邁雅級別,雖實力縱然有高低之分, 但也應該相差不遠...」
你都話Gandalf同Sauron 都係Maiar, 而Witch-king of Angmar同其他Nazgûl都係Sauron 既僕人,Sauron俾佢地nine rings,咁就成左Sauron既僕人,墜落黑暗之中。Sauron既力量非常強大,係魔苟斯Morgoth(真正的Dark Lord)最強大既僕人,至於Nazgûl係Sauron既邪惡"產物",Nazgûl唔多唔少都得到Sauron既力量(雖然始終都係Men),而Witch-king係戒靈王Lord of the Nazgûl,力量又會比其他Nazgûl強。
至於Gandalf,佢雖然係Maiar,但佢係"魔戒聖戰"時,都唔係成日有用到自己既法力,佢都係用劍去殺d orcs...(好似話Valar主神禁止嗰5個黎Middle-earth既wizards直接挑戰Sauron,咁即係唔好濫用法力!?)Gandalf都唔係算得上強大:Gandalf the Grey同Moria隻Balrog打,最後Gandalf the Grey殺死Balrog,但Gandalf the Grey都係死左(只係肉體,靈魂就無死),由此可見,Gandalf the Grey同Balrog力量平均,但佢地同Sauron都係無得比啦!
Saruman本來係好勁,不過自身墮落,被Gandalf the White取代(革職?)咁宜家Gandalf the White同Saruman既力量就係一樣(應該Gandalf勁d添!)
根據《魔戒武器聖戰》(The Lord of The Rings Weapons And Warfares)呢本電影製作特輯講:「剛鐸攻城戰中面對甘道夫,在單挑中折斷其手杖的也是他(指Witch-king)。他的力量十分強大,但也有可能是當至尊魔戒越接近它的創造之地,索倫的力量就越強。」(就算Witch-king折斷Gandalf's手杖也沒用,你唔見Gandalf係Grey Havens有番手杖嗎?)
如果照咁講,又唔係唔合邏輯>Nazgûl都係Sauron 既僕人,Nazgûl係Sauron既邪惡"產物",Sauron俾佢地nine rings,咁就成左Sauron既僕人,墜落黑暗之中。Sauron既力量非常強大,Nazgûl得到唔少Sauron既力量,Witch-king係Lord of the Nazgûl,力量比其他Nazgûl強。而One Ring係「中土世界所存在過的所有武器,沒有一種比至尊魔戒更有力量或更致命。」,佢係Sauron力量既一部分,沒有One Ring,Sauron就好衰弱(但依舊大有能力喎),如果One Ring越接近佢既出生地,Sauron既力量就越強,咁Nazgûl同Sauron係有一個緊密既聯繫,Sauron力量越強,Nazgûl力量就越強。
結論即One Ring越接近佢既出生地,Sauron既力量就越強,Witch-king同Nazgûl力量就越強,咁Witch-king咪有可能打嬴Gandalf the White囉!
Witch-king=17(Sauron強個時)/13 to14(Sauron弱個時)
Gandalf the White=17
Saruman=15 to 16
Gandalf the Grey=14 to 15
Balrog=14 to 15
Many fans of Tolkien's books have, saying it unlikely that the Witch-king — in reality a corrupted, undead human — could be more powerful than Gandalf, who is not human (though he has a human body), but has ancient, divine origins; Gandalf is actually an incarnate angelic being called a Maia…This is only hinted at in The Lord of the Rings, where Gandalf and the other Wizards are said to be agents supposed to work against Sauron…
The Lord of the Rings is quite clear that the Witch-king "wields great powers". Notably, the Witch-king is responsible for the breaking of the mighty gate of Minas Tirith; however, Gandalf has recovered much of his past strength in his latest incarnation, as Gandalf the White. The book also hints that the other eight Nazgûl are aware that "their Captain" would eventually come forth to "challenge the white light of their foe", and indeed, he does aggressively confront Gandalf at the broken gates of Minas Tirith…and the Wizard says, "It might be so. But our trial of strength is not yet come."
Many Tolkien fans thus believe Gandalf should not have been so blatantly defeated in the confrontation; some of these fans contend it was done to heighten the drama of Éowyn and Merry's victory over the Witch-king.
2007-01-26 00:01:25 補充:
現在是由"書"的定義來解釋"電影"的劇情小魔戒力量強, Sauron要在魔戒注入更強力量,生命力&意志,才能控制小魔戒,魔戒才轉變形態!Éowyn (woman) & Merry (hobbit) 殺死Witch-king, "not by the hands of a "man".這句子中,"man"指"男人"
參考: Talking About Tolkien ; 《魔戒武器聖戰》; WIKIPEDIA ; my own LOTRs' knowledge