There is /are one cat, two dogs and ten birds.

2007-01-16 6:37 pm
究竟應該用is or are? Why?

回答 (6)

2007-01-16 6:49 pm
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應該是用 are
There are one cat, two dogs and ten birds.
因為文句中的 There 是指「這裡」,文意是泛意整個地方,而整個地方有著這些不同數量的動物(眾數),所以要用 are
2007-01-17 12:58 am
ARE, because there are xxx, and xxx includes a cat, two dogs and ten birds, which is more than one creature, so we should use plural. =]
p.s. we do not use ONE cat, instead, we use A cat~
參考: me
2007-01-16 10:15 pm
嚴格來說,用 is 或 are 應該根據後面所述的主詞而定。
在這一句中,主詞是 one cat, two dogs and ten birds ,所以應該是用 are 。

不過,很多人以為 is 或 are 後跟接的那一個名詞是單數就用單數,所以你經常會看見用 there is 來帶出複數名詞。

古德明就有講解過 There is/are a book and a picture on the wall 這個問題。他說隨便一點的英文會這樣說,特別是寫作謹嚴的文字時不宜模仿。

2007-01-16 7:11 pm
The answer should be 'is'. It is simply the customary usage.
2007-01-16 6:42 pm
is。因為係以第一(one cat/a cat)為準
參考: me
2007-01-16 6:39 pm
後面就一定係are 喎.

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