peugeot 同 citreon 點讀

2007-01-16 4:34 pm
peugeot 同 citreon 點讀?

回答 (4)

2007-01-18 6:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Poseidon 話 citreon 讀 sit-tron 啱,
應該讀pull曹, 但第二個音唔係就讀曹, 好難
形容, 曹只係近似音.

我而家唔係住外國, 只係在香港同外國人做
2007-01-17 2:05 pm
I will tell you the right one, since i lived in foreign country so i can tell
Sit-tron (tron refer to electron)
Those are french, so it is hard to prononuce

2007-01-18 02:51:55 補充:
The one above( a very special person) please stop copying me!
參考: i m an automobile engineer worked in Hyundai in South Africa
2007-01-17 5:05 am

2007-01-17 18:33:42 補充:
Or we can pronounce them:per-chui-ohSit-tron

2007-01-18 22:01:15 補充:
Sorry,Poseidon!It should be :p+拔-soc-tro
參考: me
2007-01-17 2:24 am
Sit-tron Pe- get

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