一開始就long distance可以嗎?

2007-01-16 12:27 pm
我同我bf岩岩呢個christmas先一齊, 但係1week後就要long distance了, 因為我們都係美國讀書, but唔同state, 要見的話都要搭飛機, 我同佢一齊唔係我地岩岩識, 而係我地上年同一間學校, 不過而家佢轉左....因為之前我有拍拖所以我地一直無一齊, but then 我見到佢既付出, 十幾個月....所以我覺得why cant i just give out a little bit, and我決定了long distance我都不在乎, 佢情人節會飛泥搵我 and 我3月break都去搵佢, 然而呢個long distance會持續好耐好耐, like at least 3 years, even我地返hk, 都long distance,因為佢係macau人泥的....你覺得我地有可能得嗎? the pt is I really dont wanna give it up, 我地一齊唔容易的, and我地之前experience既野太多了, 唔識講, 但我真係諗唔到可以點....

回答 (6)

2007-01-16 3:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
long distance



2007-01-16 9:23 pm
我上年7月返HK 探我的AUNT,而认识了我的男朋友,因为距住噶离,我地都系开始左一日,就返左来加拿大拉,现在感情都几好,也计划紧将来.我都希望我地有个好的结果!
2007-01-16 5:32 pm
You situation is very similar to mine. I started with my first gf in 98, i was in Vancouver and she is in NJ we met in 1999 but then we havn't met since then, then i came back to HK in 2005 and then i get to had a couple of different relationships in my uncle's company I asked her if it was ok if we break up since our distance is so far away and we havn't met for some time. both relationship I had with the girls didn't turn out very well....it didn't last very long either.....and last august i get to see my ex again when she came back to HK .....then just b4 she left i broke up with my gf because we have a disagreement....now she has returned to NJ .....i really regret letting her go for another girl .....i am hoping to ask her out again ...i can see her in my future ....we have known each other since 6 years old
2007-01-16 3:00 pm
Hi there,

It worked for me and my husband, I read the previous two replied which they are very lucky, now the communication is very convenience.

I meet my husband around 1993, at that stage, we used letters to keep our relationship for 10 years, he's in Australia, I was in HK.

Cut is short, we have been married nearly 4 years.

Keep in good friend relationship first and see how is go.

Good Luck!

2007-01-16 12:55 pm
talking about experience of my classmate from undergrad:

He went to VA to study after F7 and he started a long distance when a girl he knew from a group of friends in the middle of the semester and then the girl was having plans to go to HK after F7. So within the 2 years they are basically using ICQ and/or the phone to maintain the long distance. Then 2 years later the girl came to the US but then th guy has to go to europe for a semester of exchange. When he cem back they were together for 1 semester and the guy graduated. He was working in DC and trying to dirve down every other weekend to meet the girl. After 7 years, they are finally married in last october la....

so it will work if you are persistant gae, good luck and dont give up la~
參考: my friend
2007-01-16 12:40 pm
我覺得係可以既, 本人就係好似你咁, 開始左一個月度就要long distance. 佢係o係英國讀, 我就o係美國. 中間都會係暑假返香港見~~ 到現時為止維持左差唔多兩年喇~~ 關係都仲係幾好~~ 佢就讀完書返左香港~~ 我就留左o係美國做野~~ 都已經差唔多一年無見過架喇~~ 但係只要對你自己, 同對佢有信心, 等大家讀完書, 出黎做野~~ 咁就有好多野都可以自己plan, 可以佢過香港住又或者你去澳門住都可~~ 但係幾年時間真係會覺得好快過~~

仲有, 我有個日本friend (係男生), 佢之前o係度識左個香港女生就開始拍拖, 但係佢地就相處左兩日, 男既就要返日本, 佢地就long distance 左四年, 個女仔讀完書, 實習左一年之後, 就去左日本同佢結左婚~~~

所以唔使咁擔心, 只要你地有好的維系, 對對方有信心~~ 就萬事都成~~
參考: me

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