
2007-01-16 9:06 am
本人已申請到機場的舖位, 可惜有啲大, 現時不知要否 ? 錢方面都夠開支2年ge,現有以下問題,煩請各位比啲意見 ..你們的意見對我是非常寶貴的. 謝謝..

1) 現時的舖位是在新的場地, 無人知道多少遊客( 包括機菅局的管理層)因一月底才開始運作.
2) 位置一般 (預了蝕本半年,當然希望短啲)
3) 如果真是不要的話, 是否以後都無機會 ?
4) 點解咁多人都想入機場做呢 ? 賺硬 ?



回答 (2)

2007-01-22 10:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You should mean the new mall "Sky Plaza"?
Rental at airport is really high, no matter for existing one or coming openings.
The traffic is critical to the success of your business. It is now somewhat risky.
If you can wait, why not join until you can count the traffic.
If you decide to commit, then calculate how long the period you can survive with your cash flow.
Airport business is good for promoting your brand, if your targeted customers include foreigners and visitors. If your business is bascially domestic users, there is no way to invest in this venue.
參考: self opinion
2007-01-16 9:12 am
但我估遊客會多的, 因為佢地努力找航班回來
如果你對自己的products 有信心便上,
marketing 如果4p 做得好就ok

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