Three days in Edinburgh...what to do???

2007-01-16 12:57 am
I am heading to Edinburgh as a surprise for my boyfriend's birthday at the end of January. Besides a great dinner out, does anyone have any ideas on interesting and fun things to do around the city? I am completely clueless so the more detail the better. Thanks a million.

回答 (6)

2007-01-20 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Holyrood Palace
Bus Tour
Walk whole of Royal Mile from Castle to Holyrood stopping off at Gladston's Land and Tron Kirk
Climb Scott Monument
Walk up Calton Hill at East end of Princes Street
Ghost Tour
Magdalen Chapel in the Cowgate.

All these are within a 1 mile radius. Edinburgh's a walking city.
2007-01-16 11:08 am
.Try the Hop 0n Hop off bus, very amusing commentary
Just wandering among the old shops is fun enough.
The tourist info shop is the place to start
2007-01-16 3:14 am
the castle tour is really interesting
2016-05-25 6:38 am
1) The Bible doesn't say that Jesus was crucified on Friday. That is a calculation based on the traditional date of the crucifixion. So even if the expression is wrong, it isn't (technically) a Biblical error. 2) "A day and a night" was a Hebrew idiom for any part of a 24 hour day. You can actually read detailed descriptions of this idiom in the Talmud. What we would call "a day and a half" was called "two days and two nights" in Hebrew. Of course, the Hebrew linguistic structure makes the expression sound more natural...
2007-01-19 3:35 pm
Attend a few boring lectures at the Joseph Black Building, Department of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh?

jk jk =p
參考: Uh, my life >_<
2007-01-16 1:01 am
You might as well go see the castle.

Edit: Here are loads of other things to do -

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