
2007-01-16 7:51 am
my 生約 will be started 21st Jan07 and I received landlord's letter (dated on 10Jan07) asking for rent increment starting from 21st Jan07. My questions are,
(1) is the notification too late? when should be the effective date?
(2) the tenancy agreement said the rental period is 21/01/06-20/01/08 and the rent is $xxxx. There is no remark saying the rental can be adjusted after 生約. Does she have the right to increase the rent?

回答 (4)

2007-01-16 7:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
According to your given information, your rental period is definitely 2 years at a constant rental of $xxxx. Within the aforesaid period, the Landlord has no right to adjust the rental level unless there is stipulation in the tenancy agreement allowing the Landlord to do so. Forget about the Landlord's notification letter. Shall the Landlord insists to collect the increased new rent, you may apply for judgement by applying to the Land's Tribunal. At the same time, please continue to pay the existing rental to the Landlord on time for preventing the Landlord has further excuses to expel you from living at the premises.

Remember, DO NOT AFRAID to deal with this simple issue.
2007-01-16 8:05 pm


2007-01-16 12:44 pm
一切都要依從租約上的規條, 這就是"合約精神", 依照上述所講, 在死約/ 生約期間, 都要以原定的租金$xxxx, 佢係無權加你租, 除非此份租約期已滿。生約是指雙方有權終止/ 續租此單位, 若不續租, 會有一個"通知"期限, 讓租客於期搬出, 至於佢係咁短時間才通知你, 咁要睇清楚租約上有冇一些特別注意事項, 如:有冇寫明幾多日內為通知期, 或者你要同業主傾下, 理論下, 不過記得要先睇返清楚份租約內容, 咁同個業主理論時就更有牙力及理據。
參考: 我也有多年租屋經驗, 所有業主都好好人, 未試過無故加租, 依足租約的條款
2007-01-16 8:16 am

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