回答 (3)
Metallic mercury is indeed not very harmful to our body. However, if it is evaporated and inhaled into our body, it can cause problems. In addition, the inorganic salt of mecury or organomercury is much more toxic than the metallic mercury. In the environment, the mercury can be slowly decomposed to form organomercury by biochemical reactions. This mercury compound will accumulated in the food chain and caused problems since this compound is oil-soluble like DDT. It is very difficult to remove from the body. If the thermometer is broken, the exposed mercury is easy to vaporize. The vapor can cause problem. So, usually, we will put sulfur to cover the mercury before removing it. The reason for this is to react the mercury with sulfur to generate mecury sulfide which has much less vapor pressure. There will be not many mercury vapor formed. After that, we put the mercury in some bottle or at leas wrapped in some paper and put it in plastic bag and discharge it. Basically, the amount of mercury in thermometer is limited. If you cannot find sulfur, you should at least collectd the mercury and wrapped it in paper and then put it in plastic bag and then put it in rubbish bin.
你有sulphur硫磺的話就將sulphur mix下d mercury,
Hg + S -> HgS
冇的話, 都唔會對環境有害. 有毒的, 不是固液態mercury , 是氣態或ionised的mercury .
參考: 我
當然有害la! 唔可以用手掂啊好危險! 如果只係一般o係屋企的話, 用掃把掃走再掉就得喇! 小小一支探熱針唔會對環境太大傷害gei~ 對人大d!
收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:59:37
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