急!!! 英文作文(100 words)

2007-01-16 6:07 am
題目:Are you happy with your English results?Why?


回答 (3)

2007-01-16 6:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
I was a bit scared this morning. It was because I would receive my english results in the morning lesson. I was confidenced deal to the fact that I studied hard.
Oh dear! I was upseted about my results. I could not believe I was fail. I was not happy. I really tried my best. I could remember all the contents. I could write words by words. I could even recall the books from the back.
No one came to comfort me or gave me some words to cheer me. I was alone. I looked at my reults and told myself: I had to discuss to my teacher in relation to my results.
My teacher told me that I only recalled the contents and had not analysed the questions. The most important was that I had not answered the main points.
I knew what was my problems and I would work well in the future.
2007-01-16 6:14 am
咁你 english 幾多分.. 同埋你滿唔滿意牙?!
2007-01-16 6:12 am
NO,i'm not.

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