
2007-01-16 5:56 am
今日股市係唔係只是反彈? 又, 可反彈到幾點?

回答 (3)

2007-01-17 2:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think it will go back to 19500 this week or early next week. Otherwise the correction last week is useless, than a bigger correction will come in the next 2 months.
2007-01-16 9:31 pm
反彈only, 我估會下試19000
2007-01-16 8:41 pm
我看不會咁快反彈,如果我沒看錯,這一個月都只會徘徊在19800 - 20700這個水平內,我看要等到3月份個市才會反彈上來。

註: 個人見解,如有不是,請勿介意。

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