catch me if you can(捉智雙雄)內容!

2007-01-16 5:46 am

回答 (2)

2007-01-16 6:09 am
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這部電影劇本源自一本最暢銷的傳記小說,講述一名千面騙徒法蘭克阿伯尼爾(Frank Abagnale) 的真實故事。他是一名逃學少年,學業成績平凡,於是另尋生命刺激。加上,在父母離婚的打擊下,他離家出走,之後以行騙為生。他用高明的詐騙技巧,最初以代課老師小試牛刀,之後成功偽裝為副機師、助理檢察官、急症室主管四處行騙,騙取金額數以百萬計,法蘭克犯案時只有19歲,他懂得偽造支票,工作證等,最後,甚至印假鈔。他的大膽盜行最終引起聯邦密探卡爾(Carl Hanratty)將他視為首要追捕的目標罪犯(FBI有史以來最年輕的通緝犯)。里安納度狄卡比奧就是飾演這個年輕智慧型罪犯;湯漢斯則飾演聯邦探員,兩人鬥智角力,展開一場棋逢敵手的捉與捕的遊戲。

New Rochelle, the 1960s. High schooler Frank Abagnale Jr. idolizes his father, who's in trouble with the IRS. When his parents separate, Frank runs away to Manhattan with $25 in his checking account, vowing to regain dad's losses and get his parents back together. He successfully impersonated an airline pilot, doctor, assistant attorney general and history professor, cashing more than $2.5 million in fraudulent checks in 26 countries.Just a few years later, the FBI tracks him down in France; he's extradited, tried, and jailed for passing more than $4,000,000 in bad checks. Along the way, he's posed as a Pan Am pilot, a pediatrician, and an attorney. And, from nearly the beginning of this life of crime, he's been pursued by a dour FBI agent, Carl Hanratty.
2007-01-19 12:04 am
神鬼交鋒 Catch Me If You Can
導 演: 史蒂芬史匹柏
編 劇: 法蘭克阿巴內二世
演 員: 李奧納多狄卡皮歐


Plot Summary for
Catch Me If You Can (2002)
An FBI agent tracks down and catches a young con artist who successfully impersonated an airline pilot, doctor, assistant attorney general and history professor, cashing more than $2.5 million in fraudulent checks in 26 countries.

Summary written by Anonymous

New Rochelle, the 1960s. High schooler Frank Abagnale Jr. idolizes his father, who's in trouble with the IRS. When his parents separate, Frank runs away to Manhattan with $25 in his checking account, vowing to regain dad's losses and get his parents back together. Just a few years later, the FBI tracks him down in France; he's extradited, tried, and jailed for passing more than $4,000,000 in bad checks. Along the way, he's posed as a Pan Am pilot, a pediatrician, and an attorney. And, from nearly the beginning of this life of crime, he's been pursued by a dour FBI agent, Carl Hanratty. What starts as cat and mouse becomes something akin to father and son.

Summary written by {[email protected]}

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:30:48
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