有關pokemon crater的問題。

2007-01-16 3:28 am
有關pokemon crater的問題,請問如果我捉的精靈多於六隻,會怎樣呢?會不會被傳送到箱子裡呢?謝謝大家。

回答 (5)

2007-01-19 9:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
yes.all pokemon will 傳送到箱子裡
你仲可以去到view all of your pokemon 度搵返自己捉過d精靈,換做自己既pokemon team
2007-01-20 4:53 pm
if you have more than 6 pokemons
your pokemon will be in pokemon box
if you go to view all your pokemon
then you can change your pokemon to pokemon team.
參考: me, pokemoncrater.com
2007-01-20 2:05 am
會send到all your pokemon裡.
參考: me
2007-01-17 5:42 am
你可以去到view all of your pokemon 度搵返自己捉過d精靈,換做自己既pokemon team
2007-01-16 5:08 am
yes.all pokemon will 傳送到箱子裡

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