Request on being a flight attendant

2007-01-16 2:23 am
Hello, I'm a F.4 girl who is very interested in becoming a FA in the future. But one important thing, my both eyes have short sight with 300-600 degrees. In this case, can I become a FA?
I know the requirements of being a FA of Cathay Pacific. One requirement is to pass the Eng(Syllabus B) in the CE exam, so, does it mean that I can apply for it after F.5? Will it be too young??

回答 (1)

2007-01-16 3:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Short sight is not a problem. Though you need to pass the check-up, but short sight it's really not that important. And yes, you can apply it right after you graduate F.5. CX is mostly concern about your language. So now you study hard la! ^^
參考: self

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