pa--closing account

2007-01-16 12:52 am
the opening balance of cash in hand ,and capital of a firm were $6900 ans $ 13000 respectively.This year,the firm used up its cash to purchase the following assets:stock $500,office equipment$3000 building $80000 and motor van $16350.The owner further interduced money to buy the above assets .Office equipment was brought on credit and the building was financed by a bank loan.Calculate the closing balance of the capital.

回答 (1)

2007-01-17 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Building 80000
OE 3000
Stock 500
MV 16350

Creditor 3000
Bank loan 80000
6900 - 500 - 16350 = 9950
The owner has to introduce $9950 into Capital

THe Balance is 9950 + 13000 = 22950

-----Balance Sheet------
Fixed Asset:
Building $80000
MotorVan $16350
Office equipment $3000

Current Asset:
Stock $500
XXXX $6100

Current Liabilites:
Creditors $3000


Capital $22950

Long Term Liabilities:
Bank Loan $80000


你有個item miss左,你一開始個balance係cash$6900, capital $13000,餘額我assume係xxxx $6100 stated in current asset。


你間公司唔夠錢arma,個owner咪要再入錢 cr. capital


2007-01-22 14:26:12 補充:
Q)What i s Further introduction? Ans:Fruther introduction即係個owner新入o個d錢lor~~Q)why it would appear in the CAPITAL of the balance sheet?因為佢右投放左d錢入間公司度,即係increase in capital lor~~Q)what is the definition?fruther introduction冇definition gawo~

2007-01-22 14:26:21 補充:

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:44:58
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