Translate to English. Urgent & Tks!

2007-01-16 12:49 am
我已經一早向你們同事說明有關今次安排事宜, 由於你們貨品是從1/13號交入殺蟲公司做薰蒸, 而貨品做薰蒸至少需要24小時, 及同時1/14是星期日殺蟲公司是會休息一天, 他們不會發出任何有效証書, 所以本人只可以在1/15早上從殺蟲公司拿到証書及安排1/15晚機運送貨品去美國, 將殺蟲証書連同貨品一併寄去美國收貨人.

回答 (1)

2007-01-16 3:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
我已經一早向你們同事說明有關今次安排事宜, 由於你們貨品是從1/13號交入殺蟲公司做薰蒸, 而貨品做薰蒸至少需要24小時, 及同時1/14是星期日殺蟲公司是會休息一天, 他們不會發出任何有效証書, 所以本人只可以在1/15早上從殺蟲公司拿到証書及安排1/15晚機運送貨品去美國, 將殺蟲証書連同貨品一併寄去美國收貨人。
I have notified your colleague(s) at the start about the arrangement this time. As your goods were delivered to the pest control company for fumigation on 13 Jan., they would not issue any valid certificate (immediately /the same day). This is due to the fact that any goods require at least 24 hours for fumigation, and 14 Jan. happened to be a Sunday which is a day of rest for the pest control company. As a result, I was only able to get the certificate from the company in the morning of 15 Jan., and to arrange for the goods to be delivered by air the same night together with the certificate to the consignee in the U.S.

fumigation : the clearing of diseases, bacteria, insects etc. by chemicals, smoke or gas 薰蒸、煙燻 ( verb: fumigate )
( 如果整件事已經過去, 當然是用past tense; 如果寫這段文字時你未取證書、未寄貨品, 最後一句的時式便要更改:As a result, I ‘shall only be’ able to get.... ) ( 如果這段文字寫在13號晚上, 便有以下更改:14 Jan. ‘happens’ to be a Sunday )

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